jquery Programming Glossary: hoverintent
jQuery - How to tell .hover() to wait? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089246/jquery-how-to-tell-hover-to-wait of doing this however. You should probably check out the hoverIntent plugin which is designed to solve this particular problem. ..
jQuery Hide/Show with Slide on Hover… better way to do this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1105783/jquery-hide-show-with-slide-on-hover-better-way-to-do-this animation hover share improve this question Use the hoverIntent plugin. This avoids anything being shown if the user simply..
open and close modal window on hover and close when out of focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11727223/open-and-close-modal-window-on-hover-and-close-when-out-of-focus particular issue your best bet is using the jQuery plugin hoverIntent . If you visit their website they have a good example about.. dealing with bubbled events mean. After you loaded the hoverIntent js file you can create two functions to open close fancybox.. functions to open close fancybox that will be called by hoverIntent as callbacks function openFancybox this .trigger click function..
jquery js how to avoid massive onmouseover onmouseout firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1253747/jquery-js-how-to-avoid-massive-onmouseover-onmouseout-firing share improve this question You need to check out the hoverIntent plugin which addresses this problem. share improve this answer..
jQuery hover event with nested elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1327711/jquery-hover-event-with-nested-elements up to the parent. You might also want to look at the hoverIntent plugin to solve issues of flashing hover effects if your hovered..
Delay jquery hover event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/435732/delay-jquery-hover-event function onMouseOut callback REQUIRED '#container a' .hoverIntent hiConfig jquery events share improve this question Use.. jquery events share improve this question Use the hoverIntent plugin for jquery http cherne.net brian resources jquery.hoverIntent.html.. plugin for jquery http cherne.net brian resources jquery.hoverIntent.html It's absolutely perfect for what you describe and I've..
jQuery - unbind or rebind hoverIntent()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8151278/jquery-unbind-or-rebind-hoverintent unbind or rebind hoverIntent I have a menu bar that displays a set of categories in an upper.. of the categories has a set of sub categories. I have a hoverIntent setup so that it will slideDown the submenu and slideUp when.. again once the mouse leaves. I have tried redeclaring the hoverIntent function on the element in this page but it does not work it..
Attaching jQuery plugin calls to dynamically loaded elements via jQuery,on() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8690739/attaching-jquery-plugin-calls-to-dynamically-loaded-elements-via-jquery-on for attaching the HoverIntent plugin is as so .child .hoverIntent makeTall makeShort ... but I want this to work for my dynamic.. document initially loaded and something like .parent .on hoverIntent .child function doesn't seem to be the right way to do this... after created new content. .child parentElementContext .hoverIntent makeTall makeShort There are 2 practical solutions 1 What i..
Detect IF hovering over element with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8981463/detect-if-hovering-over-element-with-jquery this .selector hover .length 0 and it seems to work Also hoverIntent plugin mentioned in a another answer looks very nice as well...
jQuery - How to tell .hover() to wait? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089246/jquery-how-to-tell-hover-to-wait
jQuery Hide/Show with Slide on Hover… better way to do this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1105783/jquery-hide-show-with-slide-on-hover-better-way-to-do-this too div div class slideDiv Do you see me now div div jquery animation hover share improve this question Use the hoverIntent plugin. This avoids anything being shown if the user simply passes the mouse over the elements and avoids an unsightly chain..
open and close modal window on hover and close when out of focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11727223/open-and-close-modal-window-on-hover-and-close-when-out-of-focus mouse in out jQuery methods is called bubbling . For your particular issue your best bet is using the jQuery plugin hoverIntent . If you visit their website they have a good example about what dealing with bubbled events mean. After you loaded the.. If you visit their website they have a good example about what dealing with bubbled events mean. After you loaded the hoverIntent js file you can create two functions to open close fancybox that will be called by hoverIntent as callbacks function openFancybox.. After you loaded the hoverIntent js file you can create two functions to open close fancybox that will be called by hoverIntent as callbacks function openFancybox this .trigger click function closeFancybox .fancybox.close .... then your hoverIntent..
jquery js how to avoid massive onmouseover onmouseout firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1253747/jquery-js-how-to-avoid-massive-onmouseover-onmouseout-firing
jQuery hover event with nested elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1327711/jquery-hover-event-with-nested-elements in the hover function to prevent the event from bubbling up to the parent. You might also want to look at the hoverIntent plugin to solve issues of flashing hover effects if your hovered elements are close together. #nav li .hover function e..
Delay jquery hover event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/435732/delay-jquery-hover-event onMouseOver callback REQUIRED out function '#info' .remove function onMouseOut callback REQUIRED '#container a' .hoverIntent hiConfig jquery events share improve this question Use the hoverIntent plugin for jquery http cherne.net brian resources.. callback REQUIRED '#container a' .hoverIntent hiConfig jquery events share improve this question Use the hoverIntent plugin for jquery http cherne.net brian resources jquery.hoverIntent.html It's absolutely perfect for what you describe.. events share improve this question Use the hoverIntent plugin for jquery http cherne.net brian resources jquery.hoverIntent.html It's absolutely perfect for what you describe and I've used it on nearly every project that required mouseover activation..
jQuery - unbind or rebind hoverIntent()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8151278/jquery-unbind-or-rebind-hoverintent unbind or rebind hoverIntent I have a menu bar that displays a set of categories in an upper row. One of the categories has a set of sub categories... bar that displays a set of categories in an upper row. One of the categories has a set of sub categories. I have a hoverIntent setup so that it will slideDown the submenu and slideUp when the mouse leaves. However if I am viewing a page in this category.. submenu is interacted with via the mouse it does not slideUp again once the mouse leaves. I have tried redeclaring the hoverIntent function on the element in this page but it does not work it is still using the previous binding. Is there any way to unbind..
Attaching jQuery plugin calls to dynamically loaded elements via jQuery,on() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8690739/attaching-jquery-plugin-calls-to-dynamically-loaded-elements-via-jquery-on plugin in my case HoverIntent but really any plugin The syntax for attaching the HoverIntent plugin is as so .child .hoverIntent makeTall makeShort ... but I want this to work for my dynamic content that was not available at the time the document initially.. for my dynamic content that was not available at the time the document initially loaded and something like .parent .on hoverIntent .child function doesn't seem to be the right way to do this. What is the correct approach to applying a plugin to elements.. it must be because of javascript hence you can call functions after created new content. .child parentElementContext .hoverIntent makeTall makeShort There are 2 practical solutions 1 What i typically do is create an init method that takes a context such..
Detect IF hovering over element with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8981463/detect-if-hovering-over-element-with-jquery as CSS selector vs. Sizzle when you prefix it with a selector this .selector hover .length 0 and it seems to work Also hoverIntent plugin mentioned in a another answer looks very nice as well. Edit 2 September 21 2013 .is hover works Based on another..