jquery Programming Glossary: hoverclass
fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12244105/fullcalendar-multiple-cell-select-on-mobile-device ' ' tolerance 'touch' activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function ev ui console.log ev.id ..
JqueryUI, drag elements into cells of a scrolling dropable div containing large table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12670124/jqueryui-drag-elements-into-cells-of-a-scrolling-dropable-div-containing-large works almost fine. My last problem is about the cell hoverClass property when I am dragging an element from the container A.. to reach any cells. But after the scroll simulation the hoverClass is not apply to the right cell. However the element is always..
JQuery drag and drop - how to get at element being dragged http://stackoverflow.com/questions/197489/jquery-drag-and-drop-how-to-get-at-element-being-dragged .droppable accept .block activeClass 'droppable active' hoverClass 'droppable hover' drop function ev ui I have tried various..
jQuery Sortable and Droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2090121/jquery-sortable-and-droppable dropped false .droppable .droppable activeClass 'active' hoverClass 'hovered' drop function event ui dropped true event.target..
jquery ui draggable elements not 'draggable' outside of scrolling div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2098387/jquery-ui-draggable-elements-not-draggable-outside-of-scrolling-div #tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function.. .tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function.. hide #tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function..
Mouse position relative to div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3824332/mouse-position-relative-to-div my code #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event ui var x ui.position.left.. #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event ui var offset this .offset..
jQuery droppable and scrollable divs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4908010/jquery-droppable-and-scrollable-divs bottom '.item' .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover accept #draggable drop function event ui var..
How do I perform a Ajax/JQuery upload of an image in ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272619/how-do-i-perform-a-ajax-jquery-upload-of-an-image-in-asp-net-mvc Excel div ' ' ul class qq upload list ul ' ' div ' hoverClass 'ui state hover' focusClass 'ui state focus' action 'Home UploadImage'..
How to draw a line between draggable and droppable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536676/how-to-draw-a-line-between-draggable-and-droppable revert 'valid' snap false div .droppable .droppable hoverClass 'ui state hover' helper 'clone' cursor 'move' drop function..
Revert a jQuery draggable object back to its original container on out event of droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5735270/revert-a-jquery-draggable-object-back-to-its-original-container-on-out-event-of left #droppable .droppable activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function event ui this .addClass 'ui..
jQuery highlight table row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/759475/jquery-highlight-table-row
'$' is undefined javascript error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8092226/is-undefined-javascript-error '#OriginalImageContainer' '#OriginalImage' .droppable hoverClass 'DroppableOver' drop InitializeWaterMark var InitializeWaterMark..
fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12244105/fullcalendar-multiple-cell-select-on-mobile-device this.id 'entrystamp' class icon element.droppable accept ' ' tolerance 'touch' activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function ev ui console.log ev.id alert this.id for param in ui console.log ev.id selectable..
JqueryUI, drag elements into cells of a scrolling dropable div containing large table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12670124/jqueryui-drag-elements-into-cells-of-a-scrolling-dropable-div-containing-large be able to drag element from any div to any div. This example works almost fine. My last problem is about the cell hoverClass property when I am dragging an element from the container A near the border of the container B I implemented an auto scroll.. I implemented an auto scroll behaviour to navigate in my table to reach any cells. But after the scroll simulation the hoverClass is not apply to the right cell. However the element is always dropped into the right cell. http jsfiddle.net QvRjL 70 Is..
JQuery drag and drop - how to get at element being dragged http://stackoverflow.com/questions/197489/jquery-drag-and-drop-how-to-get-at-element-being-dragged have the standard dropped function from their example .drop .droppable accept .block activeClass 'droppable active' hoverClass 'droppable hover' drop function ev ui I have tried various ui.id etc which doesnt seem to work. Thanks javascript jquery..
jQuery Sortable and Droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2090121/jquery-sortable-and-droppable .prepend ui.item draggable_sibling.after ui.item dropped false .droppable .droppable activeClass 'active' hoverClass 'hovered' drop function event ui dropped true event.target .addClass 'dropped' script style type text css #sortable li..
jquery ui draggable elements not 'draggable' outside of scrolling div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2098387/jquery-ui-draggable-elements-not-draggable-outside-of-scrolling-div .draggable revert 'invalid' scroll false containment '#tagFun_div_main' #tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push ui.draggable.html tagFun_reload.. start function this.style.display none stop function this.style.display .tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui GLOBAL_ary_tf_tags.push ui.draggable.html tagFun_reload.. event ui if dropped true this .remove else this .removeClass hide #tf_dropBox .droppable accept '.tag_cell' hoverClass 'tf_dropBox_hover' activeClass 'tf_dropBox_active' drop function event ui dropped true .ui.ddmanager.current.cancelHelperRemoval..
Mouse position relative to div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3824332/mouse-position-relative-to-div I am trying to get mouse position relative to div here is my code #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event ui var x ui.position.left ui.offset.left tired event.pageX this.offsetLeft var y ui.position.top.. if you want the position of the mouse relative to the droppable #db_tables .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event ui var offset this .offset x event.pageX offset.left y event.pageY offset.top ' div..
jQuery droppable and scrollable divs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4908010/jquery-droppable-and-scrollable-divs the parent's top or the droppable's top is beneath the parent's bottom '.item' .droppable activeClass ui state default hoverClass ui state hover accept #draggable drop function event ui var cTop this .closest .box .position .top parseInt this .closest..
How do I perform a Ajax/JQuery upload of an image in ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272619/how-do-i-perform-a-ajax-jquery-upload-of-an-image-in-asp-net-mvc all ui button text only ui state default Seleziona il Listino Excel div ' ' ul class qq upload list ul ' ' div ' hoverClass 'ui state hover' focusClass 'ui state focus' action 'Home UploadImage' allowedExtensions 'jpg' 'gif' params onSubmit function..
How to draw a line between draggable and droppable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536676/how-to-draw-a-line-between-draggable-and-droppable simple JQuery document .ready function div .draggable .draggable revert 'valid' snap false div .droppable .droppable hoverClass 'ui state hover' helper 'clone' cursor 'move' drop function event ui this .addClass 'ui state highlight' .find img .removeAttr..
Revert a jQuery draggable object back to its original container on out event of droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5735270/revert-a-jquery-draggable-object-back-to-its-original-container-on-out-event-of .position .left this .data 'orgTop' top this .data 'orgLeft' left #droppable .droppable activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function event ui this .addClass 'ui state highlight' .find 'p' .html 'Dropped ' out function event..
jQuery highlight table row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/759475/jquery-highlight-table-row
'$' is undefined javascript error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8092226/is-undefined-javascript-error cursor 'move' zIndex 2700 revert 'invalid' containment '#OriginalImageContainer' '#OriginalImage' .droppable hoverClass 'DroppableOver' drop InitializeWaterMark var InitializeWaterMark function var position '#WaterMark' .position var imgPosition..