jquery Programming Glossary: hr
how to print part of rendered html page in javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1071962/how-to-print-part-of-rendered-html-page-in-javascript Print Test Page title script printDivCSS new String ' link href myprintstyle.css rel stylesheet type text css ' function printDiv.. body h1 b center This is a test page for printing center b hr color #00cc00 width 95 h1 b Div 1 b a href javascript printDiv.. printing center b hr color #00cc00 width 95 h1 b Div 1 b a href javascript printDiv 'div1' Print a br div id div1 This is..
Server Side PHP Long polling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428587/server-side-php-long-polling last ID in the feed which is working great..Sends this through to my PHP. I would like my php to then decide whether or.. database that is a higher id than the current it has sent through. Send it back with JSON and insert it into the feed. If.. 'divider response 'streamitem_id' ' div class 'userinfo' a href ' profile.php username response 'username' ' img class 'stream_profileimage'..
jQuery attr vs prop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13247058/jquery-attr-vs-prop ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property.. ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property.. ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property..
upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15259632/upload-multiple-images-with-jquery-ajax-and-process-them-with-php images class upload form progress value 0 max 100 progress hr div id content_here_please div Javascript jquery upload side.. Make the ajax call .ajax url 'action.php' type 'POST' xhr function var myXhr .ajaxSettings.xhr if myXhr.upload myXhr.upload.addEventListener.. .ajax url 'action.php' type 'POST' xhr function var myXhr .ajaxSettings.xhr if myXhr.upload myXhr.upload.addEventListener..
Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2122085/problem-jquery-and-tinymce-textarea-value-doesnt-submit numlist undo redo styleprops cite link unlink media advhr code preview theme_advanced_buttons2 theme_advanced_toolbar_location.. true extended_valid_elements a name href target title onclick img class src border 0 alt title hspace.. vspace width height align onmouseover onmouseout name hr class width size noshade font face size color style span class..
jsonp with jquery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2681466/jsonp-with-jquery in tweets tweet tweets i #tweet list .append tweet.text hr script body html Notice the callback at the end of the requested..
jquery filtering has + not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4045431/jquery-filtering-has-not p span class spn empty span span li li p item 2 p li ul hr a class add span href # check a JS a.add span .click function.. empty span span li li p item 2 p li ul hr a class add span href # check a JS a.add span .click function li .each function..
Trying to select script tags from a jQuery ajax get response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4430707/trying-to-select-script-tags-from-a-jquery-ajax-get-response .html return false script head body p This is page A. p hr p a href pageB.html id ajaxJsLink Get JavaScript from Page B... return false script head body p This is page A. p hr p a href pageB.html id ajaxJsLink Get JavaScript from Page B. a br.. id ajaxJsLink Get JavaScript from Page B. a br a href pageB.html id ajaxDivsLink Get Divs from Page B. a p hr div..
JQuery Mobile Device Scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6448465/jquery-mobile-device-scaling to my iPhone. When I load it on a browser safari it shrinks and expands just fine. However when I load it on my iPhone.. width device width initial scale 1 link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel.. css jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css base.css script type text javascript..
In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6460644/in-jquery-is-selecting-by-class-or-id-faster-than-selecting-by-some-other-attri IE9 .someclass 2793 ms .someclass #somecontainer 1481 ms Chrome 12 .someclass 75 ms .someclass #somecontainer 104 ms Firefox.. #somecontainer h2 span id withcontext span ms br br hr p class a a p p class b b p p class c c p p class a a p p class..
jqgrid server side error message/validation handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6960208/jqgrid-server-side-error-message-validation-handling alert OK loadError function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown alert 'HTTP status code ' jqXHR.status ' n' 'textStatus.. ' jqXHR.status ' n' 'textStatus ' textStatus ' n' 'errorThrown ' errorThrown alert 'HTTP message body jqXHR.responseText.. ' n' 'textStatus ' textStatus ' n' 'errorThrown ' errorThrown alert 'HTTP message body jqXHR.responseText ' ' n' jqXHR.responseText..
HTML5 dragleave fired when hovering a child element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7110353/html5-dragleave-fired-when-hovering-a-child-element HU6Mk 1 . HTML div id drag draggable true drag me div hr div id drop drop here p child p parent div with the following..
how to print part of rendered html page in javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1071962/how-to-print-part-of-rendered-html-page-in-javascript I would go about it somewhat like this html head title Print Test Page title script printDivCSS new String ' link href myprintstyle.css rel stylesheet type text css ' function printDiv divId window.frames print_frame .document.body.innerHTML.. window.frames print_frame .window.print script head body h1 b center This is a test page for printing center b hr color #00cc00 width 95 h1 b Div 1 b a href javascript printDiv 'div1' Print a br div id div1 This is the div1's print output.. script head body h1 b center This is a test page for printing center b hr color #00cc00 width 95 h1 b Div 1 b a href javascript printDiv 'div1' Print a br div id div1 This is the div1's print output div br br b Div 2 b a href javascript..
Server Side PHP Long polling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428587/server-side-php-long-polling since the last post in there feed. The ajax selects the last ID in the feed which is working great..Sends this through to my PHP. I would like my php to then decide whether or not there is a new post in the database that is a higher id.. to then decide whether or not there is a new post in the database that is a higher id than the current it has sent through. Send it back with JSON and insert it into the feed. If it doesn't have anything at all to then not post anything..Atm.. success function response #homestatusid .prepend div id 'divider response 'streamitem_id' ' div class 'userinfo' a href ' profile.php username response 'username' ' img class 'stream_profileimage' style 'border none padding 0px display inline..
jQuery attr vs prop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13247058/jquery-attr-vs-prop element.prop property 1 body.append 'Prop ' element.prop property ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property original body.append ' h1 Attr Modification test h1 ' element.attr.. element.attr property 1 body.append 'Prop ' element.prop property ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property original body.append ' h1 Attr then Prop Modification test.. element.prop property 1 body.append 'Prop ' element.prop property ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property original body.append ' h1 Prop then Attr Modification test..
upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15259632/upload-multiple-images-with-jquery-ajax-and-process-them-with-php only see one image sub br input type button value Upload images class upload form progress value 0 max 100 progress hr div id content_here_please div Javascript jquery upload side than here is the Javascript.. o yes and Jquery to upload the.. form. pritty easy huh var form new FormData '#myform' 0 Make the ajax call .ajax url 'action.php' type 'POST' xhr function var myXhr .ajaxSettings.xhr if myXhr.upload myXhr.upload.addEventListener 'progress' progress false return.. huh var form new FormData '#myform' 0 Make the ajax call .ajax url 'action.php' type 'POST' xhr function var myXhr .ajaxSettings.xhr if myXhr.upload myXhr.upload.addEventListener 'progress' progress false return myXhr add beforesend..
Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2122085/problem-jquery-and-tinymce-textarea-value-doesnt-submit jformatselect fontselect fontsizeselect justifyfull bullist numlist undo redo styleprops cite link unlink media advhr code preview theme_advanced_buttons2 theme_advanced_toolbar_location top theme_advanced_toolbar_align left theme_advanced_statusbar_location.. bottom theme_advanced_resize_horizontal false theme_advanced_resizing true extended_valid_elements a name href target title onclick img class src border 0 alt title hspace vspace width height align onmouseover onmouseout name hr.. target title onclick img class src border 0 alt title hspace vspace width height align onmouseover onmouseout name hr class width size noshade font face size color style span class align style Can you explain to me what I should change and..
jsonp with jquery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2681466/jsonp-with-jquery .getJSON url callback null function tweets for i in tweets tweet tweets i #tweet list .append tweet.text hr script body html Notice the callback at the end of the requested URL. That indicates to the getJSON function that we want..
jquery filtering has + not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4045431/jquery-filtering-has-not has works fine but not adds the span to both HTML ul li p item p span class spn empty span span li li p item 2 p li ul hr a class add span href # check a JS a.add span .click function li .each function index this .has span .find span .append.. adds the span to both HTML ul li p item p span class spn empty span span li li p item 2 p li ul hr a class add span href # check a JS a.add span .click function li .each function index this .has span .find span .append appended this .not..
Trying to select script tags from a jQuery ajax get response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4430707/trying-to-select-script-tags-from-a-jquery-ajax-get-response scriptElements .each function index #divOutput .append this .html return false script head body p This is page A. p hr p a href pageB.html id ajaxJsLink Get JavaScript from Page B. a br a href pageB.html id ajaxDivsLink Get Divs from Page.. .each function index #divOutput .append this .html return false script head body p This is page A. p hr p a href pageB.html id ajaxJsLink Get JavaScript from Page B. a br a href pageB.html id ajaxDivsLink Get Divs from Page B. a p.. false script head body p This is page A. p hr p a href pageB.html id ajaxJsLink Get JavaScript from Page B. a br a href pageB.html id ajaxDivsLink Get Divs from Page B. a p hr div id scriptOutput h2 Script Output h2 div div id divOutput h2..
JQuery Mobile Device Scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6448465/jquery-mobile-device-scaling Mobile and I am having trouble with the scaling from my browser to my iPhone. When I load it on a browser safari it shrinks and expands just fine. However when I load it on my iPhone it doesn't scale. It allows you to scroll left and right.. html. head title Page Title title meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1 link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css base.css script type.. width initial scale 1 link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css jquery.mobile 1.0b1.min.css link rel stylesheet href http www.domain.com css base.css script type text javascript src http code.jquery.com jquery 1.6.1.min.js script script..
In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6460644/in-jquery-is-selecting-by-class-or-id-faster-than-selecting-by-some-other-attri Here are my results with 10 000 iterations code is below IE9 .someclass 2793 ms .someclass #somecontainer 1481 ms Chrome 12 .someclass 75 ms .someclass #somecontainer 104 ms Firefox 3.6 .someclass 308 ms .someclass #somecontainer 357 ms So.. .someclass h2 span id withoutcontext span ms br br h2 .someclass #somecontainer h2 span id withcontext span ms br br hr p class a a p p class b b p p class c c p p class a a p p class b b p p class c c p p class a a p p class b b p p class..
jqgrid server side error message/validation handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6960208/jqgrid-server-side-error-message-validation-handling 'json' ... some other typical parameters loadComplete function alert OK loadError function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown alert 'HTTP status code ' jqXHR.status ' n' 'textStatus ' textStatus ' n' 'errorThrown ' errorThrown alert 'HTTP message.. jqXHR textStatus errorThrown alert 'HTTP status code ' jqXHR.status ' n' 'textStatus ' textStatus ' n' 'errorThrown ' errorThrown alert 'HTTP message body jqXHR.responseText ' ' n' jqXHR.responseText which display the alert message.. errorThrown alert 'HTTP status code ' jqXHR.status ' n' 'textStatus ' textStatus ' n' 'errorThrown ' errorThrown alert 'HTTP message body jqXHR.responseText ' ' n' jqXHR.responseText which display the alert message like the following..
HTML5 dragleave fired when hovering a child element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7110353/html5-dragleave-fired-when-hovering-a-child-element again. I made a simplified fiddle http jsfiddle.net pimvdb HU6Mk 1 . HTML div id drag draggable true drag me div hr div id drop drop here p child p parent div with the following JavaScript '#drop' .bind dragenter function this .addClass..