jquery Programming Glossary: httpget
Dynamically populate the drop-down using jQuery in ASP.Net MVC3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11317566/dynamically-populate-the-drop-down-using-jquery-in-asp-net-mvc3 menu share improve this question In your controller HttpGet public virtual JsonResult LoadInfo var query _repository.GetInformation..
Caching issue with loading partial views into JQuery dialogs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11528196/caching-issue-with-loading-partial-views-into-jquery-dialogs as one of the things I tried to solve the caching issue HttpGet OutputCache NoStore true Duration 0 VaryByParam public PartialViewResult..
Dynamic tree control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11949884/dynamic-tree-control LoadDepartments ' hospitalId hospitalId function HttpGet public ActionResult LoadDepartments Guid hospitalId LoadHospitals..
In ASP.NET MVC: All possible ways to call Controller Action Method from a Razor View http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14049817/in-asp-net-mvc-all-possible-ways-to-call-controller-action-method-from-a-razor jSon data from database. Controller's Action Method HttpGet public ActionResult Foo string id var person Something.GetPersonByID.. from database Get method also same like above just replace HttpGet on Action method and FormMethod.Get for View's form method...
Passing an JSON array to MVC Web API via GET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14628576/passing-an-json-array-to-mvc-web-api-via-get issue. I have an ASP.NET MVC Web API that looks like this HttpGet public IList Country GetCountryList List long idList And I've..
MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16011151/mvc-4-edit-modal-form-using-bootstrap get set public string Age get set In your PersonController HttpGet this action result returns the partial containing the modal..
Making a Simple Ajax call to controller in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16186083/making-a-simple-ajax-call-to-controller-in-asp-net-mvc public class AjaxTestController Controller GET AjaxTest HttpGet public ActionResult FirstAjax return View HttpPost public.. done its first calling the FirstAjax action with default HttpGet request and renders the blank Html view . Earlier you were not..
JQuery ajax call to httpget webmethod (c#) not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2651091/jquery-ajax-call-to-httpget-webmethod-c-not-working System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethod UseHttpGet true ResponseFormat System.Web.Script.Services.ResponseFormat.Json.. id return id Web.config webServices protocols add name HttpGet protocols webServices The URL being used ........ webmethods.aspx.. ... system.web webServices protocols add name HttpGet protocols webServices httpHandlers ... add verb path .asmx type..
Returning JSON from ASMX, and handling it correctly in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3196569/returning-json-from-asmx-and-handling-it-correctly-in-javascript public WSMember WebMethod ScriptMethod UseHttpGet true ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json public string GetMember.. post... is this normal safe webServices protocols add name HttpGet add name HttpPost protocols webServices Then in Default.aspx.. for the reply guys. I have tried the following so... UseHttpGet true is now changed to false. Again I saw it somewhere so I..
jQuery AJAX response always returns nothing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5119977/jquery-ajax-response-always-returns-nothing should uncomment the section in web.config which allows HttpGet and use ScriptMethod having UseHttpGet true . All the lines.. which allows HttpGet and use ScriptMethod having UseHttpGet true . All the lines are included in the demo as comments. ..
How do I return JSON and loop through the returned json in jQuery in MVC app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5953761/how-do-i-return-json-and-loop-through-the-returned-json-in-jquery-in-mvc-app error alert 'Error getting comments' My controller HttpGet public ActionResult GetComments string blog_id int page_size..
Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/657313/request-format-is-unrecognized-for-url-unexpectedly-ending-in configuration system.web webServices protocols add name HttpGet add name HttpPost protocols webServices system.web configuration..
Return a JSon array to $.ajax from ActionResult type method in MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7963610/return-a-json-array-to-ajax-from-actionresult-type-method-in-mvc-3 td tr table #details .html make And the GetLinkInfo HttpGet public ActionResult GetLinkInfo string cat_name string url if.. else return View I solved the problem with this HttpGet controller public JsonResult GetCategoryInfo string cat_name..
How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541821/how-to-simplify-my-statefull-interlaced-modal-dialogs-in-asp-net-mvc model ModelState.Clear return View item model HttpGet public ActionResult opendialog ModelState.Clear testePg02..
Dynamically populate the drop-down using jQuery in ASP.Net MVC3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11317566/dynamically-populate-the-drop-down-using-jquery-in-asp-net-mvc3 using jQuery . jquery asp.net asp.net mvc 3 drop down menu share improve this question In your controller HttpGet public virtual JsonResult LoadInfo var query _repository.GetInformation Here you return the data. return Json query JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet..
Caching issue with loading partial views into JQuery dialogs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11528196/caching-issue-with-loading-partial-views-into-jquery-dialogs windows. My partial view Notice the OutputCache attribute as one of the things I tried to solve the caching issue HttpGet OutputCache NoStore true Duration 0 VaryByParam public PartialViewResult EditUser int id var userList userRepository.GetByRole..
Dynamic tree control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11949884/dynamic-tree-control function node var hospitalId node.id .getJSON '@Url.Action LoadDepartments ' hospitalId hospitalId function HttpGet public ActionResult LoadDepartments Guid hospitalId LoadHospitals var departments _templateAccessor.GetDepartments hospitalId..
In ASP.NET MVC: All possible ways to call Controller Action Method from a Razor View http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14049817/in-asp-net-mvc-all-possible-ways-to-call-controller-action-method-from-a-razor call partial page update . Suitable for when you need to retrieve jSon data from database. Controller's Action Method HttpGet public ActionResult Foo string id var person Something.GetPersonByID id return Json person JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet..
Passing an JSON array to MVC Web API via GET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14628576/passing-an-json-array-to-mvc-web-api-via-get answers for this topic but couldn't find the solution to my issue. I have an ASP.NET MVC Web API that looks like this HttpGet public IList Country GetCountryList List long idList And I've tried calling it like this .ajax dataType json data JSON.stringify..
MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16011151/mvc-4-edit-modal-form-using-bootstrap is only used to retrieve record from Db public string Name get set public string Age get set In your PersonController HttpGet this action result returns the partial containing the modal public ActionResult EditPerson int id var viewModel new EditPersonViewModel..
Making a Simple Ajax call to controller in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16186083/making-a-simple-ajax-call-to-controller-in-asp-net-mvc think this might not be the solution but its working public class AjaxTestController Controller GET AjaxTest HttpGet public ActionResult FirstAjax return View HttpPost public ActionResult FirstAjax string a return Json chamara JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet.. 2 share improve this question After the update you have done its first calling the FirstAjax action with default HttpGet request and renders the blank Html view . Earlier you were not having it later on loading of DOM elements of that view your..
JQuery ajax call to httpget webmethod (c#) not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2651091/jquery-ajax-call-to-httpget-webmethod-c-not-working msg text alert text script Code Behind System.Web.Services.WebMethod System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethod UseHttpGet true ResponseFormat System.Web.Script.Services.ResponseFormat.Json public static string AjaxGet string id return id Web.config.. public static string AjaxGet string id return id Web.config webServices protocols add name HttpGet protocols webServices The URL being used ........ webmethods.aspx AjaxGet 20 27id 27 20 20 27li1234 27 As part of the response.. extension ScriptHandlerFactory also exist in the config configuration ... system.web webServices protocols add name HttpGet protocols webServices httpHandlers ... add verb path .asmx type System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory validate..
Returning JSON from ASMX, and handling it correctly in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3196569/returning-json-from-asmx-and-handling-it-correctly-in-javascript public class WSMember System.Web.Services.WebService public WSMember WebMethod ScriptMethod UseHttpGet true ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json public string GetMember string IdMember Ignore the parameter for now... I will.. made the following addition which I just saw on some other post... is this normal safe webServices protocols add name HttpGet add name HttpPost protocols webServices Then in Default.aspx I the two key references... script type text javascript src.. wrong with what I'm doing Thanks a lot. EDIT thanks for the reply guys. I have tried the following so... UseHttpGet true is now changed to false. Again I saw it somewhere so I tried it... but I knew it couldn't be right Let's say the web..
jQuery AJAX response always returns nothing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5119977/jquery-ajax-response-always-returns-nothing the default.htm work. If you want make tests with HTTP GET you should uncomment the section in web.config which allows HttpGet and use ScriptMethod having UseHttpGet true . All the lines are included in the demo as comments. share improve this answer..
How do I return JSON and loop through the returned json in jQuery in MVC app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5953761/how-do-i-return-json-and-loop-through-the-returned-json-in-jquery-in-mvc-app loop the data.. how do I loop json error function req status error alert 'Error getting comments' My controller HttpGet public ActionResult GetComments string blog_id int page_size int page_no try List Comment comments ReadCommentsFromDB..
Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/657313/request-format-is-unrecognized-for-url-unexpectedly-ending-in
Return a JSon array to $.ajax from ActionResult type method in MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7963610/return-a-json-array-to-ajax-from-actionresult-type-method-in-mvc-3 td td data.Url td tr tr td Description td td data.Description td tr table #details .html make And the GetLinkInfo HttpGet public ActionResult GetLinkInfo string cat_name string url if string.IsNullOrEmpty cat_name throw new ArgumentNullException.. name1 Url url1 Description descr1 JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet else return View I solved the problem with this HttpGet controller public JsonResult GetCategoryInfo string cat_name if string.IsNullOrEmpty cat_name throw new ArgumentNullException..
How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541821/how-to-simplify-my-statefull-interlaced-modal-dialogs-in-asp-net-mvc Name action Argument saveitem public ActionResult saveitem testePg01 model ModelState.Clear return View item model HttpGet public ActionResult opendialog ModelState.Clear testePg02 p2 testePg02 getValue detail if p2 null p2 new testePg02 return..