jquery Programming Glossary: htmlstring
Line breaks in jQuery ajax html callback cause errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15258924/line-breaks-in-jquery-ajax-html-callback-cause-errors collection can be created from this for example .parseHTML htmlString . Any idea what ™s going on jquery ajax jquery ajax share..
jQuery UI - Autocomplete - Custom style? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5992022/jquery-ui-autocomplete-custom-style event ui ul.ui autocomplete li a .each function var htmlString this .html .replace lt g ' ' htmlString htmlString.replace gt.. .each function var htmlString this .html .replace lt g ' ' htmlString htmlString.replace gt g ' ' this .html htmlString Full example.. var htmlString this .html .replace lt g ' ' htmlString htmlString.replace gt g ' ' this .html htmlString Full example http www.jensbits.com..
jQuery not loading on the iPhone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/792585/jquery-not-loading-on-the-iphone mainBundle pathForResource @ index ofType @ html NSString htmlString NSString alloc initWithData htmlData encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. htmlData encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding view loadHTMLString htmlString baseURL baseURL The content loads just fine and I've confirmed..
A JavaScript parser for DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9540218/a-javascript-parser-for-dom the entire contents of a page is given to it The jQuery htmlString or the dojo.toDom htmlString . Both rely on DocumentFragment.. is given to it The jQuery htmlString or the dojo.toDom htmlString . Both rely on DocumentFragment and hence gobble up head and..
Sorting not working with Json Result giving encoded output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9644581/sorting-not-working-with-json-result-giving-encoded-output var grid new WebGrid result rowsPerPage 5 canSort true var htmlString grid.GetHtml columns grid.Columns grid.Column Name Name.. grid.Column Value DataValue return Json new Data htmlString.ToHtmlString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet Javascript Code..
Line breaks in jQuery ajax html callback cause errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15258924/line-breaks-in-jquery-ajax-html-callback-cause-errors an array of DOM nodes representing the markup. A jQuery collection can be created from this for example .parseHTML htmlString . Any idea what ™s going on jquery ajax jquery ajax share improve this question The problem seems to be caused by the..
jQuery UI - Autocomplete - Custom style? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5992022/jquery-ui-autocomplete-custom-style .autocomplete source autocomplete.php minLength 2 open function event ui ul.ui autocomplete li a .each function var htmlString this .html .replace lt g ' ' htmlString htmlString.replace gt g ' ' this .html htmlString Full example http www.jensbits.com.. minLength 2 open function event ui ul.ui autocomplete li a .each function var htmlString this .html .replace lt g ' ' htmlString htmlString.replace gt g ' ' this .html htmlString Full example http www.jensbits.com 2011 03 03 jquery autocomplete with.. 2 open function event ui ul.ui autocomplete li a .each function var htmlString this .html .replace lt g ' ' htmlString htmlString.replace gt g ' ' this .html htmlString Full example http www.jensbits.com 2011 03 03 jquery autocomplete with html in..
jQuery not loading on the iPhone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/792585/jquery-not-loading-on-the-iphone alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ index ofType @ html NSString htmlString NSString alloc initWithData htmlData encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding view loadHTMLString htmlString baseURL baseURL The content.. @ html NSString htmlString NSString alloc initWithData htmlData encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding view loadHTMLString htmlString baseURL baseURL The content loads just fine and I've confirmed that the baseURL is correct by adding an image to the bundle..
A JavaScript parser for DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9540218/a-javascript-parser-for-dom be our best bet. Unfortunately the parser is crashing when the entire contents of a page is given to it The jQuery htmlString or the dojo.toDom htmlString . Both rely on DocumentFragment and hence gobble up head and body EDIT We want to serialize.. the parser is crashing when the entire contents of a page is given to it The jQuery htmlString or the dojo.toDom htmlString . Both rely on DocumentFragment and hence gobble up head and body EDIT We want to serialize the HTML so we may catch certain..
Sorting not working with Json Result giving encoded output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9644581/sorting-not-working-with-json-result-giving-encoded-output id var result _myRepository.GetmyDataWithId id .ToList var grid new WebGrid result rowsPerPage 5 canSort true var htmlString grid.GetHtml columns grid.Columns grid.Column Name Name grid.Column Value DataValue return Json new Data.. columns grid.Columns grid.Column Name Name grid.Column Value DataValue return Json new Data htmlString.ToHtmlString JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet Javascript Code .getJSON '@Url.Action GetMyData ' id 1 function result var..