javascript Programming Glossary: globals
Why are global variables considered bad practice? (Javascript) This gets even worse when you get into implied globals e.g. when you say someVar someValue without declaring someVar.. For further reading and a more in depth explanation of why globals are considered bad practice you may want to check out this page..
Difference between using var and not using var in JavaScript scope at which point it will create it These are both globals var foo 1 bar 2 function var foo 1 Local bar 2 Global Execute..
javascript - How to make this code work? [duplicate] the issue with context this closure issues and implied globals. It still needs a lot of work but the fiddle shows what everybody.. sense if you ask me. Global variables are evil implied globals even more so. I can't see new_info nor myArray being declared..
Calling a JavaScript function named in a variable hanging it on the object named window which is where globals live. Arrays and objects are intimately related. Rumor is they..
Redeclared javascript global variable overrides old value in IE it just being a bug in a combination of IE's handling of globals across files and declaration hoisting. Really though you should..
IE/Chrome: are DOM tree elements global variables here? as to rely on named elements being visible on window or as globals. Stick to document.getElementById which is more widely supported..
Global variables for node.js standard modules? some global requires that you have in your app. Yes globals are bad even in this case. Globals almost always ruin testability..
Why are globals bad? are globals bad It totaly makes sense to me to use it here. What would.. of all why is it bad according to jsLint to make use of globals. function function body 'body' this is the BAD Global .each..
JavaScript not running on from within that function. You reference them as globals in your HTML. You have three options a easiest quickest not..
Define global variable in a JavaScript function of the window object. There's also the horror of implicit globals but don't do it on purpose and do your best to avoid doing it..
Is there ever a good reason to pass a string to setTimeout? of the window object like window.globalVar though using globals is indeed not a good practice so no I don't think there is ever..
Passing functions to setTimeout in a loop: always the last value? variables and 2 using eval. I know how I could do it using globals or eval but how can I do it without. Here is what I'd like to.. strings i into that anonymous function without eval or globals javascript settimeout share improve this question This..
How to load bootstrapped models in Backbone.js while using AMD (require.js) methods. Is there a better way to do this without globals javascript backbone.js requirejs js amd share improve this.. collaborators true script script src app.js script globals.js This file checks for config and extends itself using any.. returned define 'config' 'underscore' function config var globals _.extend globals config return globals config.js This file is..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server canvasData and corresponding php testSave.php php if isset GLOBALS HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA imageData GLOBALS 'HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA' filteredData.. php if isset GLOBALS HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA imageData GLOBALS 'HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA' filteredData substr imageData strpos imageData..
Chrome extension - retrieving Gmail's original message the jQuery.load as follows windows .load function alert GLOBALS and place it at the content script but it does not work either... returns the following error on the invocation of the alert GLOBALS Uncaught ReferenceError GLOBALS is not defined although when.. invocation of the alert GLOBALS Uncaught ReferenceError GLOBALS is not defined although when using the developers tools' console..