javascript Programming Glossary: gm_setvalue
How to call Greasemonkey's GM_ functions from code that must run in the target page scope? GM_ functions are not available. I want to use GM_setValue to record the video time. How do I call GM_setValue from my.. to use GM_setValue to record the video time. How do I call GM_setValue from my button's click handler Here is the relevant part of.. Message is not for us. We have a time value set it with GM_setValue But WARNING First make sure that the stored value is a safe..
Storing user input in a Greasemonkey script on install on the very first run and stores it encrypted using GM_setValue . It also adds two items to the Greasemonkey context menu to.. sjcl sjcl.js @grant GM_getValue @grant GM_setValue @grant GM_registerMenuCommand UserScript var encKey GM_getValue.. ' location.hostname '. Please enter a random string ' '' GM_setValue encKey encKey usr pword New key makes prev stored values if..
Access root domain's localStorage from subdomain storage share improve this question ...Why not use GM_setValue and GM_getValue EDIT I did a little digging. Look what I found..
Greasemonkey, overriding website functions running in GM scope. If you don't use any GM function like GM_setValue or GM_xmlhttpRequest I recommend you to do the following var..
Storing into file using JavaScript/GreaseMonkey localhost 8080 test p pageNo _url _url.replace pageNo hit GM_setValue hit hit if hit 100 window.location.href _url This script will..