javascript Programming Glossary: getselection
Why won't this JavaScript (using and document.write) work in Internet Explorer or Opera? getOverrideStyle function getOverrideStyle getSelection function getSelection hasAttributes function hasAttributes hasChildNodes.. function getOverrideStyle getSelection function getSelection hasAttributes function hasAttributes hasChildNodes function..
getSelection & surroundContents across multiple tags surroundContents across multiple tags I've got a script that.. elements tags. The code that i've got is var text window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 var colour document.createElement hlight IE 9. function makeEditableAndHighlight colour sel window.getSelection if sel.rangeCount sel.getRangeAt range sel.getRangeAt 0 document.designMode..
Detecting a image 404 in javascript
Is there a cross-browser solution for getSelection()? there a cross browser solution for getSelection I need to make a comment mechanism in which user highlights.. which creates a selection like object in IE and adds a getSelection method to window . I don't think it's perfect but it's about..
Get selected text and selected nodes on a page? selection objects will differ between browsers function getSelection return msie document.selection window.getSelection document.getSelection.. getSelection return msie document.selection window.getSelection document.getSelection range objects will differ between browsers.. msie document.selection window.getSelection document.getSelection range objects will differ between browsers function getRange..
IE's document.selection.createRange doesn't include leading or trailing blank lines number of characters to move the range boundary. function getSelection el var start 0 end 0 normalizedValue range textInputRange len..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection WebView Javascript getSelection I am having some trouble getting the selection from a WebView.. I have tried this JavaScript which works on the iPhone. Bu getSelection does not seem to work on the Android. function highlight colour.. Android. function highlight colour var range sel if window.getSelection Non IE case sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt range..
getSelection() not working in IE not working in IE Can someone help me get this code working.. Click button JS '#click' .click function var range window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 var selectionContents range.extractContents var.. this question IE prior to 9 doesn't support window.getSelection . You can use document.selection instead see this msdn page..
Highlight text range using JavaScript for the command to work. See my answer here for code getSelection surroundContents across multiple tags Here's a jsFiddle example.. el start end if document.createRange window.getSelection var range document.createRange range.selectNodeContents el var.. charCount break charCount endCharCount var sel window.getSelection sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range else if document.selection..
How to get the selected text in textarea using jQuery in Internet Explorer 7? and Chrome but not in Internet Explorer 7. I use the getSelection method like this textarea.getSelection When the text within.. 7. I use the getSelection method like this textarea.getSelection When the text within the textarea is 12345 and all this text..
Select whole word with getSelection whole word with getSelection I want use the getSelection function to select words from articles.. whole word with getSelection I want use the getSelection function to select words from articles to a view box. Here is.. Javascript code function getSelected if window.getSelection return window.getSelection else if document.getSelection return..
Detect which word has been clicked on within a text some words p .clickable .click function e s window.getSelection var range s.getRangeAt 0 var node s.anchorNode while range.toString.. .trim alert str in IE8 it has problems because of getSelection. This link Is there a cross browser solution for getSelection.. This link Is there a cross browser solution for getSelection may help with those issues. I haven't tested on Opera. I used..