javascript Programming Glossary: getstyle
Convert date to another timezone in javascript
How to get the background color of an element using javascript? color this is not a valid property alert 'style bgColor ' getStyle myDivObj 'bgColor' shows undefined alert 'style backgroundcolor.. 'bgColor' shows undefined alert 'style backgroundcolor ' getStyle myDivObj 'backgroundcolor' shows undefined alert 'style background.. shows undefined alert 'style background color ' getStyle myDivObj 'background color' shows undefined else alert 'damn'..
Get computed font size for DOM element in JS 2 standard getComputedStyle method if available function getStyle el styleProp var camelize function str return str.replace w.. Usage var element document.getElementById 'elementId' getStyle element 'font size' More info Get Styles QuirksMode Edit Thanks..
Javascript incapable of getting element's max-height via to get the computed styles in a cross browser way function getStyle el styleProp var value defaultView el.ownerDocument document..
How to retrieve a style's value in javascript? to get the computed styles in a cross browser way function getStyle el styleProp var value defaultView el.ownerDocument document..
How do you read CSS rule values with JavaScript? 50px background color #808080 The code so far function getStyle className var classes document.styleSheets 0 .rules document.styleSheets.. this is where I can collect the style information but how getStyle '.test' javascript html css share improve this question .. Adapted from here building on scunliffe's answer function getStyle className var classes document.styleSheets 0 .rules document.styleSheets..
Get Element StyleSheet Style in JavaScript Style in JavaScript I've been using John Resig's getStyle function from Pro JavaScript Techniques to get the style of.. Techniques to get the style of elements function getStyle elem name J S Pro Techniques p136 if name return.. if no style is specified http test getStyle.html Is it possible to get only the stylesheet specified styles..
JavaScript get Styles element From the last article here is a function function getStyle oElm strCssRule var strValue if document.defaultView document.defaultView.getComputedStyle.. Geneva Arial Helvetica sans serif JS var elementFontSize getStyle document.getElementById container font size share improve..
Getting actual height of an auto-heighted element in IE Event.observe window load function if parseInt 'col1' .getStyle 'height' parseInt 'col2' .getStyle 'height' 'main' .setStyle.. if parseInt 'col1' .getStyle 'height' parseInt 'col2' .getStyle 'height' 'main' .setStyle 'height' parseInt 'col1' .getStyle.. 'height' 'main' .setStyle 'height' parseInt 'col1' .getStyle 'height' 130 'px' else 'main' .setStyle 'height' parseInt 'col2'..
Read CSS property of an element using JavaScript let's say color of a div with class layout function getStyleProp elem prop if window.getComputedStyle return window.getComputedStyle.. div Create div d.className layout Set class layout alert getStyleProp d color Get property value Regarding comment at your question.. Remove all inline styles var inheritedPropValue getStyle elem prop Get inherited value elem.cssText style Add the inline..