javascript Programming Glossary: gm
Accessing Variables from Greasemonkey to Page & vice versa unsafeWindow.gmScripts_GlobalVar 'greasy' console.log In GM script local global unsafeWindow.targetPages_GlobalVar console.log.. global unsafeWindow.targetPages_GlobalVar console.log In GM script script global gmScripts_GlobalVar window.addEventListener.. DOMContentLoaded function console.log In GM script local global after ready unsafeWindow.targetPages_GlobalVar..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site raw 2625891 waitForKeyElements.js @grant GM_addStyle UserScript The @grant directive is needed to work around.. is needed to work around a design change introduced in GM 1.0. It restores the sandbox. var okayToClickAddtoCart false.. raw 2625891 waitForKeyElements.js @grant GM_addStyle UserScript The @grant directive is needed to work around..
Injecting JS functions into the page from a Greasemonkey script on Chrome invoking the corresponding function in the context of my GM script uw.setConfigOption function newValue setTimeout setConfigOption.. invokes the corresponding function in the context of my GM script which then does the actual processing. Correct me if..
Stop execution of Javascript function (client side) or tweak it also below. and revisit the page. You will see that the GM script deleted one bad tag and replaced another with our good.. so Chrome Opera etc. may eventually support it. Complete GM script example The same as the one at GitHub and jsBin Given..
Equivalent of String.format in JQuery 0 for var i 0 i arguments.length 1 i var reg new RegExp i gm s s.replace reg arguments i 1 return s And here are the endsWith..
Which library should I use for server-side image manipulation on Node.JS? [closed] It uses Node Waf hasn't being ported to Windows yet. gm mature runs on Windows smoothly docs are ok but not thorough.. unfortunately there's no easy way to combine images with gm. Maybe there's some way to achieve that but I haven't found..
JavaScript replace/regex value this.markup this.markup.replace new RegExp pattern gm value return repeater ...and the alert is TEST_ONE TEST_ONE.. for the regexp TESTONE TESTONE .replace new RegExp TESTONE gm foo Otherwise it looks for the end of the line and 'TESTONE'..
Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels it in a span var linebreak previouscharacter.match r n n r gm undefined false true if previouscharacter ' ' currentcharacter..
How to use JavaScript regex over multiple lines? ss pre aaaa nbbb nccc pre ddd var arr ss.match pre. pre gm alert arr null I'd want the PRE block be picked up even though.. ss pre aaaa nbbb nccc pre ddd var arr ss.match pre s S pre gm alert arr pre ... pre Does anyone have a less cryptic way Edit..
Generate syntax tree for simple math operations 'string' return var code text.replace new RegExp t r n v f gm var codeArray var syntaxTree Put it in its on scope function..
Remove HTML comments with Regex, in Javascript ..and the regex I am using is this one html html.replace . gm But there seems to be no match the string is unchanged. What..