javascript Programming Glossary: giving
Save my cookie data to MySQL database? first name the last name the job title... but you are only giving him 1 value the cookie but the sql don't know that the cookie..
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures This is of course deeply wrong but it leads to Microsoft giving very bad advice to programmers on how to cope with Microsoft's..
Defining methods via prototype vs using this in the constructor - really a performance difference? In JavaScript we have two ways of making a class and giving it public functions. Method 1 function MyClass var privateInstanceVariable..
Is there a built-in function or plugin to handle date formatting in JavaScript? for JavaScript that does the same thing For the sake of giving a specific example in this instance I start with a set number..
Is there a way to access a javascript variable using a string that contains the name of the variable? I could tell a function which variable I want to set by giving it a string that holds the name of the variable. Thanks javascript..
Why RegExp with global flag in Javascript give wrong results? length then set lastIndex to 0 and return null. Call Match giving it the arguments S and i. If Match returned failure go to step..
User recognition without cookies or local storage The details are too much to get into here which is why I'm giving you links but a good example would be a Medical Diagnosis Wizard..
JavaScript data grid for millions of rows for a way to get to unlimited number of rows without giving up the performance edge that SlickGrid currently holds over..
What are the common defenses against XSS? [closed] an XSS attack a bit harder but by no means prevent one and giving programmers security training is essential. share improve this..
jQuery Selector + SVG Incompatible? which works. I've tried selecting the SVGs on top by giving them class names and using .svgclassname .click but this doesn't..
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't you want the user to wait no more than 10 seconds before giving them a clue what is happening use navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition..
Javascript prototype operator performance: saves memory, but is it faster? to @Kevin who pointed out my previous code was wrong giving a huge boost to the reported speed of the prototype method...
How do I get jQuery to select elements with a . (period) in their ID? strings. The first backslash escapes the second one giving you one actual backslash in your string which then escapes the..
Convert UTC Epoch to local date with javascript new Date .toUTCString .getTime new Date .getTime It's only giving me very small differences under 1000 which is in milliseconds...
Why is JavaScript prototyping? afterwards define what the original object actually is by giving it methods and properties via prototype . Perhaps this is generally..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android plugin does not seem to render correctly basically not giving the user any option to enter or change a date. Maybe iOS 4 doesn't..
Access denied to jQuery script on IE from cross domain AJAX calls. But why is IE the only one giving me crap Is there an IE solution Also this is my AJAX .ajax url..
Getting the closest string match We reduce the score in anticipation of these abbreviations giving more room for partial word matches to supersede non word matches..
Detect blocked popup in Chrome run this test from the parent and wrap it in a setTimeout giving the child window 3 5 seconds to load. In the child window you..
What are the benefits to using anonymous functions instead of named functions for callbacks and paramaters in JavaScript event code? why not use the same approach when writing JavaScript code Giving it thought I can come up with arguments that are both for and..
Why is IE7 and IE8 Giving me “Access Denied” when calling jQuery? is IE7 and IE8 Giving me &ldquo Access Denied&rdquo when calling jQuery I am using..
Javascript add leading zeroes to date want. So if the MyDate.getMonth returns 9 it will be 0 9 Giving us 09 so adding .slice 2 on that gives us the last two characters.. 2 09 But if MyDate.getMonth returns 10 it will be 0 10 Giving us 010 so adding .slice 2 gives us the last two characters or..
Element.appendChild() chokes in IE reason in IE only it chokes on css.appendChild css_data Giving the error Unexpected call to method or property access What's..
How to get data with JavaScript from another server? alert results middleman gives Google's HTML to jQuery Giving middleman.php something along the lines of php Do not use as..
How can I get a Javascript stack trace when I throw an exception? r@http localhost 49573 assets js jquery 1.10.2.min.js 6 Giving the name of the calling function along with the URL its calling..
what is the difference between readonly=“true” & readonly=“readonly” javascript share improve this question Giving an element the attribute readonly will give that element the..
Prevent iPhone from zooming in on `select` in web-app less than the threshold this generally happens in iphone. Giving a metatag attribute user scalable no will restrict the user..
Can you call a javascript function from native code (not in a callback) using PhoneGap and iOS? jsString self readWithTag 2 Giving me the error 'Unknown receiver 'theWebView' did you mean 'UIWebView'..
Automatically detect user's current local time with JavaScript or PHP This restaurant is open now until midnight AEST . Issue Giving a time such as midnight can be calculated by offsetting from..
Lazy loading JavaScript and Inline JavaScript Inline Script gt script type text delayscript Code script Giving the script tag a custom Mime type text delayscript forces the..