

javascript Programming Glossary: getrandom

I have to refresh the page for my Greasemonkey script to run?


function finalResults var dc current loss noise pi lb dc getRandom 51 49 2 current getRandom 37 29 2 loss getRandom 7 2 2 noise.. dc current loss noise pi lb dc getRandom 51 49 2 current getRandom 37 29 2 loss getRandom 7 2 2 noise getRandom 7 1 2 pi getRandom.. pi lb dc getRandom 51 49 2 current getRandom 37 29 2 loss getRandom 7 2 2 noise getRandom 7 1 2 pi getRandom 67 60 2 lb getRandom..

How to pause form submit, for 1 last validation, at the very end and after that release/trigger/continue the submission?


div class blackwindow div div class nospam div value obj getRandom echo ' img src include class return_img.php number ' . value..