javascript Programming Glossary: gettextnodesin
How do I select text nodes with jQuery? but no text nodes. Here's what I've come up with var getTextNodesIn function el return el .find not iframe .addBack .contents .filter.. .addBack .contents .filter function return this.nodeType 3 getTextNodesIn el Note If you're using jQuery 1.7 or earlier the code above.. in jQuery they are automatically filtered out . function getTextNodesIn node includeWhitespaceNodes var textNodes nonWhitespaceMatcher..
Highlight text range using JavaScript 8mdX4 And the selection setting code function getTextNodesIn node var textNodes if node.nodeType 3 textNodes.push node else.. children.length i len i textNodes.push.apply textNodes getTextNodesIn children i return textNodes function setSelectionRange el start.. range.selectNodeContents el var textNodes getTextNodesIn el var foundStart false var charCount 0 endCharCount for var..