javascript Programming Glossary: getters
Javascript getters/setters in IE? getters setters in IE For whatever reason Javascript getters setters.. getters setters in IE For whatever reason Javascript getters setters for custom objects seem to work with any browser but..
Is it possible to gain access to the closure of a function? scope still have access. However you could give access via getters setters. You might want to take a look into Stuart Langridge's..
Create a class with IIFE that isn't a reference? by ben._data.set or you could re implement rules and or getters setters so someone could still abuse it. It can still clean.. accessible members and making it easier to use the getters and setters. Namespacing DataStore to limit scope of the closures.. copied to it's children Person.prototype.AGE 0 rules for getters and setters Will be a problem with inheritance if on prototype..
Setting methods through prototype object or in constructor, difference? handlers or you wanted to simulate private properties with getters setters you might do function MessageClass var self this this.clickHander..
javascript - accessing private member variables from prototype-defined functions on the prototype to have access to them you should define getters and setters on the this object which the prototype methods along..
Can I instantiate a superclass and have a particular subclass be instantiated based on the parameters supplied My QueryProperty class has these fields with getters setters int id String uri String name Set QueryValue values.. String selected The QueryValue class had these fields with getters setters perviously int id String uri String name I now want..
Monitor All JavaScript Object Properties (magic getters and setters) All JavaScript Object Properties magic getters and setters How do I emulate PHP style __get and __set magic.. new property is detected future access to it is caught by getters and setters but those modifications are only made every 1000..
YouTube iframe API: how do I control a iframe player that's already in the HTML? direction. If you want full support eg event listeners getters have a look at Listening for Youtube Event in jQuery As a result..
Is it possible to implement dynamic getters/setters in JavaScript? it possible to implement dynamic getters setters in JavaScript I am aware of how to create getters and.. getters setters in JavaScript I am aware of how to create getters and setters for properties whose names one already knows by.. my question is is it possible to define sort of catch all getters and setters like these I.e. create getters and setters for any..
Javascript getters and setters for dummies? getters and setters for dummies I've been trying to get my head around.. for dummies I've been trying to get my head around getters and setters and its not sinking in. I've read JavaScript Getters..
Databinding in angularjs track changes of model properties without setters and getters I found that there are JavaScript watchers that may do this..
Is anyone familiar with Jaxer? I'm looking for pros and cons whizzy new JavaScript 1.8 features like Array extras and getters setters. Cons I found their API to be unstable they were transitioning..