

javascript Programming Glossary: gif

Example images for code and mark-up Q&As


supports animation. Here are a few examples. Categories gif animated gif Solid BG Animated dashed border as seen in this.. Here are a few examples. Categories gif animated gif Solid BG Animated dashed border as seen in this answer . Details..

auto-refreshing div with jquery


This shows a loading message while loading put an animated gif in there for typical web 2.0 style . If the server times out..

What is the instanceof operator in JavaScript?


Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picure


google maps I still have at my site a simple picture . gif in which I must draw a point corresponding geographic coordinates...

iPad/iPhone browser crashing when loading images in Javascript


to image.png ...say this instead myImage.src data image gif base64 AN_ENCODED_IMAGE_DATA_STRING Below is a test to demonstrate.. var imgActiveImage null var strNullImage data image gif base64 R0lGODlhEAAOALMAAOazToeHh0tLS 7LZv 0jvb29t f3 Ub ge8WSLf.. script working. You'll probably want to use a transparent gif instead so use this data url string instead data image gif base64..

How do I fire an event when a iframe has finished loading in jQuery?


a page. Ideally I would like to have a loading animated gif which is replaced once the PDF has loaded. javascript jquery..

Stopping GIF Animation Programmatically


images directly from Twitter. How can I prevent animated gifs from being played Using window.stop at the end of the page.. should work for all browsers javascript html animated gif share improve this question This is not a cross browser.. . Taken from here .slice.apply document.images .filter is_gif_image .map freeze_gif function is_gif_image i return ^ data..

Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser


How to display a “busy” indicator with jQuery?


Is it really just a matter of showing hiding an animated gif or is there a more elegant solution javascript jquery jquery.. share improve this question You can just show hide a gif but you can also embed that to ajaxSetup so it's called on every.. on every ajax request. .ajaxSetup beforeSend function show gif here eg #loading .show complete function hide gif here eg #loading..

Jquery:: Ajax powered progress bar?


share improve this question You could have an animated gif load via .html into the results area until your ajax function..

How to implement file upload progress bar on web?


would like display something more meaningful that animated gif while users upload file to my web application. What possibilities..

How to have jQuery restrict file types on upload?


jQuery limit a file upload field to only jpg jpeg png and gif. I am doing backend checking with PHP already. I am running.. .val .split '.' .pop .toLowerCase if .inArray ext 'gif' 'png' 'jpg' 'jpeg' 1 alert 'invalid extension ' share improve..

Capture HTML Canvas as gif/jpg/png/pdf?


HTML Canvas as gif jpg png pdf Is it possible to capture or print what's displayed..

Why not animated GIF instead of animated CSS sprites?


not animated GIF instead of animated CSS sprites In recent trends I've seen.. CSS sprites using JavaScript instead of using animated GIFs Ex http www.google.com doodles eadweard j muybridges 182nd.. this question Control You have no control over animated GIFs. You can't start them you can't stop them. They just animate..

Detect when user clicks link, but aborts


page or submits a form I want a please wait animated GIF to show up in the top right corner to symbolize that loading..

Why does my spinner GIF stop while jQuery ajax call is running?


does my spinner GIF stop while jQuery ajax call is running I'm just starting to.. works fine. Here's the thing I'm trying to show a spinner GIF while the table is being refreshed la UpdateProgress in ASP.NET.. that the browser is unable to tend to its animated GIFs Update Here's the code that refreshes the grid. Not sure if..

Example images for code and mark-up Q&As


are small images in multiple colors or shapes animated GIFs with without transparency JPEGs that are 'pairs' of pictures.. transparency. Categories png sprite sheet icons Animated GIF is the only image format that supports animation. Here are a.. . Better on a dark BG. Details 450x450 150x150 px animated GIFs with transparency. Pictures Sunrise moonset over the CBD of..

How can I give control back (briefly) to the browser during intensive JavaScript processing?


the number of options gets too big my please wait animated GIF freezes while the local JavaScript is processing. Thanks function..

Restart an animated GIF from JavaScript without reloading the image


an animated GIF from JavaScript without reloading the image I am creating a.. I am creating a slideshow of animations using animated GIFs. I'm crossfading from one animation to the next. The problem.. is the only way I have discovered to ensure that the GIF starts animating from the first frame is to reload it each time..

Stopping GIF Animation Programmatically


GIF Animation Programmatically I am developing a Twitter application..

Can you access screen display?™s DPI settings in a Javascript function?


have embedded DPI information a JPEG can have one a GIF never does the program that's being used may have settings to..

Why serve 1x1 pixel GIF (web bugs) data at all?


serve 1x1 pixel GIF web bugs data at all Many analytic and tracking tools are requesting.. all Many analytic and tracking tools are requesting 1x1 GIF image web bug invisible for the user for cross domain event.. cross domain event storing processing. Why to serve this GIF image at all Wouldn't it be more efficient to simply return..

With jQuery, how can I implement a “page loading” animation?


progressbar.gif etc. for a few seconds. How can I show a GIF image in jQuery javascript jquery share improve this question..

Create an Image of a DIV in JavaScript (GIF/PNG)


an Image of a DIV in JavaScript GIF PNG I'm wondering is there a JavaScript library available that..