javascript Programming Glossary: gm_
Why is window (and unsafeWindow) not the same from a userscript as from a <script> tag? privileges especially cross domain provided by the GM_ functions especially GM_xmlhttpRequest . Note that currently.. cross domain provided by the GM_ functions especially GM_xmlhttpRequest . Note that currently Chrome only supports GM_addStyle.. . Note that currently Chrome only supports GM_addStyle GM_xmlhttpRequest GM_log and GM_openInTab fully natively...
How to use GM_xmlhttpRequest in Injected Code? to use GM_xmlhttpRequest in Injected Code I am writing a userscript that.. Chrome. Here is the section of code I can't get to work. GM_xmlhttpRequest method POST url http localhost 7777 data testing123.. greasemonkey userscripts share improve this question GM_ functions will not work in injected code because injected code..
How to call Greasemonkey's GM_ functions from code that must run in the target page scope? to call Greasemonkey's GM_ functions from code that must run in the target page scope .. must run in the target page scope where Greasemonkey's GM_ functions are not available. I want to use GM_setValue to record.. GM_ functions are not available. I want to use GM_setValue to record the video time. How do I call GM_setValue..