java Programming Glossary: symbolic
MathML and Java used JEuclid for rendering MathML in my Symja project Java symbolic math system point 4 of your list . Maybe that JEuclid is to..
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application some suggestions like having the image directory being a symbolic link pointing to a directory outside the web container but will.. some suggestions like having the image directory being a symbolic link pointing to a directory outside the web container but will..
Renaming a file without using renameTo() - Java exist. The reason it doesn't exist is because there is a symbolic link so if b is usr name folder file then b really is mnt MountTest..
Is there something like Sympy for Java? there something like Sympy for Java I'm looking for a symbolic math library for Java along the lines of sympy for Python. Does.. for Python. Does anyone know of anything Thanks java symbolic math share improve this question Why not use Sympy itself..
Why do I get an Enum constant reference cannot be qualified in a case label? at compile time the class file format does not do symbolic linkage of case values. In other words because of the class..
Java floating point high precision library functionality for mathematical problems matrices vectors symbolic algorithms solution of equation systems and what not. So I'll..
Tomcat context.xml files, is there a hiearchy? context.xml files is there a hiearchy I am trying to use symbolic links in one of the applications I have running on Tomcat5... If I allowLinks in the conf context.xml file my symbolic links work. If I don't allowLinks in conf context.xml my application's.. If I don't allowLinks in conf context.xml my application's symbolic links do not work even though I have allowed them in the META..
what do these symbolic strings mean: %02d %01d? do these symbolic strings mean 02d 01d I'm looking at a code line similar to.. sprintf buffer 02d 02d 02d hour minute second I think the symbolic strings refer to the number of numeric characters displayed..
Java 1.6 - determine symbolic links 1.6 determine symbolic links In a DirectoryWalker class I want to find out if a File.. class I want to find out if a File instance is actually a symbolic link to a directory assuming the walker walks on UNIX systems.. the following be a reliable condition to determine the symbolic link File file ... if file.getAbsolutePath .equals file.getCanonicalPath..