

java Programming Glossary: svn

Java Dynamic Web project with Maven and Eclipse


References Hello World with JSF 2.0 Glassfish 3 Maven SVN and Eclipse. How Maven Builds a WAR File share improve this..

Lightweight Java IDE [closed]


non critical tools. I'm going to put Jetty ant and an SVN client on this little machine without concern but I'm stumped..

Are there any other Java libraries for bonjour/zeroconf apart from JMDNS?


Create a “Command” Console


download.html and the source is available via SVN from svn co http ikayzo.org svn beanshell For more info on JConsole..

itext java pdf to text creation


method in SimpleTextExtractionStrategy.java in the iText SVN trunk float spacing lastEnd.subtract start .length if spacing..

How to change an Eclipse default project into a Java project


project into a Java project I checked out a project from SVN and did not specify the project type so it checked out as a..

Best free Code Review tool for Eclipse/Java/Flex Development [closed]


Flexbuilder code review tool is. If it matters we're using SVN as our SCM. Here are the following I've come across Jupiter..

Getting started with Spring 3 Web MVC - Setting everything up


basic or the petcare sample apps from the Spring Samples SVN repository . These samples have been updated to Spring 3.0 and..

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?


class with same name. Good source control integration does SVN support changelists IDEA support them for every source control..

Eclipse: Attach source/javadoc to a library via a local property


via a local property I have a third party library in my SVN repository and I'd like to associate source javadoc with it..

Best practice to store .jar files in VCS (SVN, Git, …)


practice to store .jar files in VCS SVN Git &hellip I know in the time of Maven it is not recommended.. this question Best practice to store .jar files in VCS SVN Git don't. It could make sense in a CVCS Centralized VCS like.. don't. It could make sense in a CVCS Centralized VCS like SVN which can handle millions of files whatever their size is. It..

method must call super() error in Netbeans


Recently I've made a Netbeans project and I am using SVN along with it. I am seeing duplicate class error and in the..

Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson)


provide comments if I'm doing this wrong. If you are using SVN versioning of a specific checkout comes along for the ride... to a specific build. public final class AppVersion SVN should fill this out with the latest tag when it's checked out... tag when it's checked out. private static final String APP_SVNURL_RAW HeadURL svn ssh user@host svnroot app trunk src AppVersion.java..

Alternative to binaries in Subversion


and the clients Longer update times imagine you do an SVN update from the internet... Another reason might be Source code..

Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)?


a generic solution but here's the Java code from ORMLite SVN repository . For a generic solution see yanchenko's answer below..

Appengine DevMode : access denied (“java.lang.RuntimePermission” “accessClassInPackage.sun.security.util”)


luck so far. I downloaded the AppEngine SDK sources from svn but the line numbers do not really match but I can see that..

Java library for parsing command-line parameters?


work with a mix of parameters and commands similar to svn . Examples app url command1 app url command2 parameter2 x app..

Create a “Command” Console


download.html and the source is available via SVN from svn co http ikayzo.org svn beanshell For more info on JConsole see.. source is available via SVN from svn co http ikayzo.org svn beanshell For more info on JConsole see http www.beanshell.org..

How to “cat” a file in JGit?


to retrieve the HEAD version of a certain file just like svn cat or hg cat whould do I suppose this involves some rev tree..

Maven parent pom vs modules pom


a bit painful and a common way to deal with that is to use svn externals . For example add a trunks directory root parent pom.. the following externals definition parent pom http host svn parent pom trunk projectA http host svn projectA trunk A checkout.. pom http host svn parent pom trunk projectA http host svn projectA trunk A checkout of trunks would then result in the..

How to run Spring 3.0 PetClinic in tomcat with Hibernate backed JPA


Downloaded PetClinic from https src.springframework.org svn spring samples petclinic Built deployed petclinic.war. Ran fine.. what I did Get Tomcat 6.0.26 Checkout the petclinic sample svn co https src.springframework.org svn spring samples petclinic.. the petclinic sample svn co https src.springframework.org svn spring samples petclinic trunk petclinic cd into the petclinic..

Best practice to store .jar files in VCS (SVN, Git, …)


of compressed ones. Did someone make some tests java svn git share improve this question Best practice to store .jar..

Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson)


manage this with multiple concurrent developers using CVS svn or similar. EDIT Several good and helpful partial or specific.. to ask answer for another particular configuration say svn maven cruise control I'll link to the question from here. JA.. out. private static final String APP_SVNURL_RAW HeadURL svn ssh user@host svnroot app trunk src AppVersion.java private..

Override Swing Nimbus L&F primary color per component instance


Default Color to all Components http aephyr.googlecode.com svn trunk EDIT You can 'copy' the Painter modify them and set them..

Alternative to binaries in Subversion


installation and update on the test machines is easy just svn up I'm sure there are weighty arguments against this bad practice.. change has the corresponding generated jar file. java svn share improve this question In my opinion the code repository.. place getting the binaries can be done with a command like svn update ant dist I think the most important reason not to checkin..