

java Programming Glossary: swt.none

SWT - Tableviewer adding a remove button to a column in the table


ViewerCell cell TableItem item new TableItem getTable SWT.NONE Button button new Button getTable SWT.NONE button.setText X.. getTable SWT.NONE Button button new Button getTable SWT.NONE button.setText X getControl .setBackground item.getBackground.. TableColumn column new TableColumn viewer.getTable SWT.NONE column.setText First Name column.setWidth 100 TableViewerColumn..

How to make SWT/JFace dialogs which show similar behaviour(layouts) under all window resolutions


createTopContent Composite top new Composite composite SWT.NONE top.setLayout new GridLayout 2 false top.setLayoutData new GridData.. SWT.CENTER true false Label firstLabel new Label top SWT.NONE firstLabel.setText X Ref Library Text firstText new Text top.. SWT.CENTER true true Label secondLabel new Label top SWT.NONE secondLabel.setText Text Text secondText new Text top SWT.BORDER..

SWT - OS agnostic way to get monospaced font


not Windows Font mono new Font parent.getDisplay Mono 10 SWT.NONE or do I need to have a method that tries loading varying fonts.. I'd try Font mono new Font parent.getDisplay Monospaced 10 SWT.NONE to get a handle to the physical monospaced font of the current..

Libraries for pretty charts in SWT?


creating a composite Composite comp new Composite parent SWT.NONE SWT.EMBEDDED Frame frame SWT_AWT.new_Frame comp JFreeChart chart..

Java local variable visibility in anonymous inner classes - why is 'final' keyword required?


This is my code Button btnDownload new Button myparent SWT.NONE btnDownload.addSelectionListener new SelectionAdapter @Override.. final keyword final Button btnDownload new Button myparent SWT.NONE Why do I need to declare a variable final to gain access inside..

Eclipse JFace's Wizards


to hold the widgets this.composite new Composite parent SWT.NONE create the desired layout for this wizard page GridLayout layout.. String attr attrs i Label label new Label this.composite SWT.NONE label.setText attr new Text this.composite SWT.NONE pack As.. SWT.NONE label.setText attr new Text this.composite SWT.NONE pack As shown in the eclipse corner article Creating JFace Wizards..