java Programming Glossary: switches
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? predict the branch except for the few iterations after it switches direction. Quick visualization T branch taken N branch not taken..
Setting the default application icon image in Java swing on OS X starts up in the dock using the generic java icon and only switches to your custom icon after a bounce or two when the java code..
Java library for parsing command-line parameters? with short and long names whether or not certain commands switches are required or if they have default values. It even has functionality..
android device id confusion user requests a new number from the telco or if the user switches SIMs. It is obtained from TelephonyManager.getLine1Number ...
Options for Client Server Communication in Android Android does not use environment variables command line switches or a variety of other things that developers focused on the..
Recommended use for Joda-Time's DateMidnight method will throw an exception if the default time zone switches to Daylight Savings Time at midnight and this LocalDate represents..
Static String constants VS enum in Java 5+ is strongly linked to the enum can be fine with it. In switches on the enum you don't use the class name. Switches are not even..
Tuning garbage collections for low latency and PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime switches that effectively print time at a global safepoint and time between..
What is microbenchmarking? compiler inlining compiler implementation compiler switches number of processor cores optimizations at the processor level..
“Always on Top” Windows with Java have a window that is Always on top regardless if the user switches focus to another application I've searched the web and all of..
Switch Statement with Strings in Java existed. A switch with String cases is translated into two switches during compilation. The first maps each string to a unique integer&mdash..
How to Force a jar to uses(or the jvm runs in) utf-8 instead of the system's default encoding the right one plus it may suddenly change if the user e.g. switches OS locale breaking your app. So just always say which encoding..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 O you do not want to be doing them in parallel as context switches between threads will simply slow you down further. share improve..
How to add sexy on/off sliders? closer already http freebies onoff switches and toggles psd http forums iphone 2g 3g 3gs ipod..
Changing cookie JSESSIONID name box. While accessing these from a browser when user switches between the applications it results in logging out the user..
Java scheduler which is completely independent of system time changes too risky to keep Java App running when system time switches back by even certain seconds. You never know what your Java.. watch dog script non Java to check time change. if time switches back by certain amount shutdown and restart Java app. Another..