

java Programming Glossary: swingconstants.center

what are the $1 in class file?


BorderLayout JLabel label new JLabel getParameter greeting SwingConstants.CENTER label.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 18 add label BorderLayout.CENTER..

Newline in JLabel


right now JLabel l new JLabel Hello World nblahblahblah SwingConstants.CENTER This is what is displayed Hello World blahblahblah Forgive me..

FullScreen Swing Components Fail to Receive Keyboard Input on Java 7 on Mac OS X Mountain Lion


Short.MAX_VALUE 50 keystrokeLabel.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER keystrokeLabel.setForeground Color.DARK_GRAY this.add keystrokeLabel.. Short.MAX_VALUE 50 jtfFocusLabel.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER jtfFocusLabel.setForeground Color.DARK_GRAY this.add jtfFocusLabel.. Short.MAX_VALUE 50 focusLabel.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER focusLabel.setForeground Color.DARK_GRAY this.add focusLabel..

Sorting Table is wrong when the sort button be pressed more than once?


String.class stringRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER JScrollPane pane new JScrollPane table ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED..

Does adding a JLabel to a JPanel “hide” the JPanel?


DARK_PIECE_COLOR JLabel chessPiece new JLabel icon SwingConstants.CENTER jPanelSquareGrid 1 3 .add chessPiece MyMouseAdapter mouseAdapter..

dragging a jlabel around the screen


GRID_ROWS GRID_COLS private JLabel redLabel new JLabel Red SwingConstants.CENTER private JLabel blueLabel new JLabel Blue SwingConstants.CENTER.. private JLabel blueLabel new JLabel Blue SwingConstants.CENTER public DragLabelOnLayeredPane backingPanel.setSize LAYERED_PANE_SIZE..

Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering


return viewR.width textR.width else if horizAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER return viewR.width textR.width 2 throw new AssertionError Unknown..

Minesweeper Action Events


JButton button new JButton private JLabel label new JLabel SwingConstants.CENTER private CardLayout cardLayout new CardLayout private MineCellModel..

How to get Icon from JTable


new Dimension 200 pHeight myLabel.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER add myLabel BorderLayout.SOUTH new Thread this .start public..

JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell


2 column 3 column 5 setHorizontalAlignment javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER c.setHorizontalAlignment javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER.. c.setHorizontalAlignment javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER JComponent c.setHorizontalAlignment javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER.. JComponent c.setHorizontalAlignment javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER return c @Override public Class getColumnClass int column..

Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList<List> - Java


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE JLabel textLabel new JLabel w.name SwingConstants.CENTER textLabel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 300 100 frame.getContentPane..

JTable with titled rows and columns


false false 1 2 JLabel component .setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER if selected component.setFont component.getFont .deriveFont..

How to use Renderer for TableHeader


0 5 0 0 lbl.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER if column 0 lbl.setForeground Color.red else lbl.setForeground.. 0 5 0 0 rendererComponent.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.CENTER if column 0 rendererComponent.setForeground Color.red else..