

java Programming Glossary: swallow

Do spurious wakeups actually happen?


hot spurious wakeup . I buy it. That's an easier pill to swallow than the typically vague it's for performance reason often given...

Process Builder waitFor() issue and Open file limitations


isr String lineRead while lineRead br.readLine null swallow the line or print it out System.out.println lineRead int rc..

Wicket Dynamic Image URL


ImageIO.write img png output catch IOException ex never swallow exceptions mountSharedResource resource Application.class.getName..

Alternatives to Java Mail API


wrapper around the JavaMail API making it a bit easier to swallow. For example the MimeMessageHelper class allows you to add attachments..

setOpaque() in java


dispatch thread. Don't draw from another thread. Don't swallow exception. Addendum See changes to create . Addendum You might..

java events,handlers and listeners question


to Java I think you're overcomplicating this and trying to swallow too much at once. Forget about your grand design. Forget about..

Why invoke Thread.currentThread.interrupt() when catch any InterruptException?


to keep state . When you catch the InterruptException and swallow it you essentially prevent any higher level methods thread groups.. code that implements a thread's interruption policy may swallow an interruption request. General purpose task and library code..

Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation


layer don't catch it at all let it bubble. Just don't swallow the exception. If an exception occurs in most of the cases you..

The case against checked exceptions


using the checked exception in the first place don't just swallow the exception wrap it and rethrow it. try overzealousAPI thisArgumentWontWork..

Is python slower than Java/C#? [closed]


groovy Here is a project that optimizes CPython unladen swallow c# java python performance share improve this question ..

Should you report the message text of exceptions?


Your code catch es the exception of course. You don't just swallow the exception either your code reports it in some way to the..