

java Programming Glossary: swf

Playing media files using JAVA


filter8 new FileNameExtensionFilter .swf swf FileNameExtensionFilter filter9 new FileNameExtensionFilter.. filter8 new FileNameExtensionFilter .swf swf FileNameExtensionFilter filter9 new FileNameExtensionFilter.. Music Videos wav mp3 mpg mp4 avi flv wmv 3gp swf mkv flac VOB FileNameExtensionFilter filter12 new FileNameExtensionFilter..

Embedding Flash / Flex component into Java app


Java communication is not yet... an issue just embedding swf into JFrame. java flex flash share improve this question..

Save Java2D to SWF (flash)


itext but I can't find one for SWF. Any ideas java flash swf share improve this question I just got an example to work.. . The only two jars needed to run this example are swfutils.jar and batik awt util.jar which can be downloaded here.. Font Serif Font.PLAIN 16 g.setFont font g.drawString Test swf 30 30 g.draw new Line2D.Double 5 5 50 60 g.draw new Line2D.Double..

How to download videos from youtube on java?


AA... ftoken null status ok watermark http s.ytimg.com yt swf logo vfl_bP6ud.swf http s.ytimg.com yt swf hdlogo vfloR6wva.swf.. status ok watermark http s.ytimg.com yt swf logo vfl_bP6ud.swf http s.ytimg.com yt swf hdlogo vfloR6wva.swf timestamp 12..... s.ytimg.com yt swf logo vfl_bP6ud.swf http s.ytimg.com yt swf hdlogo vfloR6wva.swf timestamp 12... has_cc False fmt_map 35..

Embed .swf file to my Jframe


.swf file to my Jframe I'm having a problem in adding my swf file.. .swf file to my Jframe I'm having a problem in adding my swf file to my jframe. They say that i should try the JFlashplayer.. one. Can you give me some sample code for this java flash swf jframe share improve this question Here is my flash player..

Save Java2D to SWF (flash)


Java2D to SWF flash I'm trying to save the output of an vector image drawin.. save the output of an vector image drawin in Java2D to an SWF file. There are great libraries for saving java2D output as.. like SVG BATIK and PDF itext but I can't find one for SWF. Any ideas java flash swf share improve this question I..

sorting a doubly linked list with merge sort


Embed .swf file to my Jframe


FlashPanel.installFlash 6 http samples.mplayerhq.hu SWF flash_adpcm_testfiles stereo_22.swf dataSource dataSource.file.. void setIsLoop boolean dis loop dis Select a different SWF file at remote url public void setMovie URL url if isMovieSet.. dataSource.url flashPanel.setMovie url Select a different SWF file at remote url public void setMovie String url if isMovieSet..