

java Programming Glossary: suspicious

Java: unparseable date exception


edit you really got a ParseException on that. The most suspicious part would then be the timezone of UTC . Is this actually known..

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


else property name dataSource ref jeedataSource bean Be suspicious of additional parameters settings. This is the manually coded..

Expression Language in JSP not working


as per your update those com.servlet.El servlets look suspicious. What exactly do they do Parsing EL Remove them and retry. ..

Too many open files: how many are open, what they are, and how many can the JVM open


to look and when. EDIT 2 I have managed to find something suspicious perhaps this might be a reason for the resource leaks. It's..

How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations


something else is just wrong check the logs for anything suspicious . Regarding the dialect the only difference between MySQL5Dialect..

Embedding images into html email with java mail


e I think the java part to me looks fine but i am suspicious only is the html markup i there something wrong with it I think..

Application vulnerability due to Non Random Hash Functions


firewall you can configure it to block requests that look suspicious. This is a reactive measure but is nice to have in case you..

Get local IP-Address without connecting to the internet


does not require an internet connection and it might look suspicious that the app tries to connect to google every time it is launched..