java Programming Glossary: swingconstants.right
How to UnFocus a JTextField new GridLayout 0 1 2 2 labels.add new JLabel User Name SwingConstants.RIGHT labels.add new JLabel Password SwingConstants.RIGHT p.add labels.. Name SwingConstants.RIGHT labels.add new JLabel Password SwingConstants.RIGHT p.add labels BorderLayout.WEST JPanel controls new JPanel new..
problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double Number value instanceof Date setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.RIGHT value formatter.format value catch IllegalArgumentException.. formatter super formatter setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.RIGHT public static NumberRenderer getIntegerRenderer return new NumberRenderer..
Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering leftToRight return 0 else if horizAlignment SwingConstants.RIGHT horizAlignment SwingConstants.TRAILING leftToRight horizAlignment..
JTable cell editor number format text numberFormat.format num editor.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.RIGHT editor.setText text return editor This cell editor works perfect.. numberFormatB editor.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.RIGHT editor.setValue value return editor @Override public boolean..
jFormattedTextField's Formatter.setCommitsOnValidEdit(true) doesn't work at first focus new Dimension 120 27 formTextField.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.RIGHT formTextField.addFocusListener new FocusListener @Override.. new Dimension 120 27 formTextField1.setHorizontalAlignment SwingConstants.RIGHT formTextField1.addFocusListener new FocusListener @Override..
Calculating running totals in JTable using JComboBox renderer super.getCellRenderer row col int alignment SwingConstants.RIGHT default alignment return renderer table.setFont new Font..