

java Programming Glossary: swing's

Can we ape the GTK+ 2.0 button style in Java Swing?


JMenu nothing better around all standard and good custom Swing's Look and Feel in one JFrame maybe better would be to use Substance..

Handling passwords used for auth in source code


data before it is cleaned. This is the main reason why Swing's JPasswordField's getText method is deprecated and why getPassword..

Difficulties understanding the renderers mechanism of swing's JTable and JTree


the renderer method I have searched the web and dig within Swing's code and could not find any act of clone or copy constructor.. the renderer each time from scratch. I have read the Swing's tutorial on JTables and there I could find the next lines You..

Why does SwingWorker stop unexpectedly?


sleep again etc. I create the SwingWorker s from within Swing's thread because otherwise they wouldn't even start. So the expected..

Is JOptionPane.showMessageDialog thread safe?


question Taken from the javax.swing package description Swing's Threading Policy In general Swing is not thread safe. All Swing..

GUI guidelines for swing


layer that might be using threads to do work. Understand Swing's Threading rules You'd be surprised how few people actually understand.. written. JavaFX is not yet there and suffers from lots of Swing's sins. I'd say look at Apache Pivot . Lots of new ideas and better..

setOpaque(true/false); Java


writers to consider it. The isOpaque API is used by Swing's painting system to determine whether the area covered by a given..

Swing's KeyListener and multiple keys pressed at the same time


KeyListener and multiple keys pressed at the same time is there..

Which Java GUI framework to choose now? [closed]


to them. The components themselves are a lot simpler than Swing's in terms of extensibility and similar which means that the API..

Access tree object in netbeans outline


way to call convertRowIndexToModel . This is common in Swing's separable model architecture which collapses the view and controller..

Java GUI Frameworks - which are out there?


fiasco... Swing and SWT are the two you might think about. Swing's basic advantages are more platform independent more consistent..

Is there something wrong with Swing's MVC implementation for JList?


there something wrong with Swing's MVC implementation for JList Some time ago I asked this question.. that something is wrong here but I can't tell if it is Swing's MVC model that is conceptually wrong or if it is my thinking..

I need to launch a JFrame from another JFrame and have that run like independent applications, help?


is clicked. The second JFrame is actively rendered using Swing's BufferStrategy and runs on its own independently however when..

Java graphics - Stages of a game


compatible tweaks You have to figure out how to use Swing's painting manager to do what you want when in most cases for..

Why does JPasswordField.getPassword() create a String with the password in it?


create a String with the password in it Swing's JPasswordField has the getPassword method that returns a char..