java Programming Glossary: session.setattribute
ResultSe.getString(1) throws java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation at current cursor position to his homepage HttpSession session request.getSession session.setAttribute UserName userName session.setMaxInactiveInterval 900 If the..
accessing constants in JSP (without scriptlet) the JSP page showing sample usage Set up the current user session.setAttribute current.user Me scriptlets @ page import com.example.Constants..
JSF Filter not redirecting After Initial Redirect [closed] if currentAdmin.equals foundAdmin authenticated true session.setAttribute authenticated true return success else authenticated false.. true return success else authenticated false session.setAttribute authenticated false return failure else authenticated false.. false return failure else authenticated false session.setAttribute authenticated false return failure else session.setAttribute..
Using request.getSession() as a locking object? TEST_ATTR if obj null obj new MyObject session.setAttribute obj In order to make this code thread safe I'd like to wrap.. TEST_ATTR if obj null obj new MyObject session.setAttribute obj java session concurrency locking thread safety share..
How to force Jetty to ask for credentials with BASIC authentication after invalidating the session? WWW Authenticate basic realm Auth session.getCreationTime session.setAttribute auth Boolean.TRUE writer.println Login Required return In that..
Spring MVC Session Attribute Access e.g. a user authentication object use the traditional session.setAttribute method instead. Alternatively consider using the attribute management..
Spring 3.0 set and get session attribute session User user loginService.loginUser loginCredentials session.setAttribute user user return loginSuccess I am able to use the object in..
Sessions in struts2 application public String getLoginStatus session request.getSession session.setAttribute userName loginBean.getUsername return SUCCESS Now when I am..
Is HttpSession thread safe, are set/get Attribute thread safe operations? on the web that some suggest using synchronized session session.setAttribute abc abc Is this a valid suggestion java session thread safety..
Any way to share session state between different applications in tomcat? path seems to be sharing the same session so if app A set session.setAttribute foo bar app B will be able to see it. Is there a way to share..
GWT Platform login + session menagment client side browser's session exactly like with JSP files session.setAttribute UserName username Can any one provide a clear full example of.. client side browser's session exactly like with JSP files session.setAttribute UserName username I wish to correct your misconception. The.. It is server side code managing server side session info. session.setAttribute UserName username You would transmit this server side session..
jersey security and session management
How to check for session in JSP EL? attribute such as the logged in user which is been set as session.setAttribute user user then you should rather be intercepting on that instead..