java Programming Glossary: setbounds
How to programmatically close a JFrame FooWindow setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setBounds 5 5 400 300 yeah yeah this is an example P setVisible true ..
How to set output stream to TextArea setTitle Evolution X 639 setBounds new java.awt.Rectangle 0 0 400 450 setResizable false getContentPane..
Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g panel2 new JPanel panel2.setBackground panel2.setBounds 0 0 getContentPane .getWidth getContentPane .getHeight getContentPane.. e public void resizePanel Dimension dim panel2.setBounds 0 0 dim.width dim.height repaint public static void main String.. should move x and y by as much as the mouse moved then use setBounds x y w h setBounds getX startX me.getX getY startY me.getY w..
Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.
Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing MainAppFrame setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setBounds 100 100 550 400 contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder..
JPanel added but not displayed “in time” Window setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setBounds 100 100 700 500 contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder..
Html.ImageGetter TextView source in the log but the URL changes when it reaches setBounds. Any ideas Code protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. drawable Drawable.createFromPath source try drawable.setBounds 0 0 drawable.getIntrinsicWidth drawable.getIntrinsicHeight catch.. .getDrawable R.drawable.ic_launcher d.addLevel 0 0 empty d.setBounds 0 0 empty.getIntrinsicWidth empty.getIntrinsicHeight new LoadImage..
Listen to JFrame resize events as the user drags their mouse? height System.out.println setSize @Override public void setBounds Rectangle r System.out.println setBounds A @Override public.. public void setBounds Rectangle r System.out.println setBounds A @Override public void setBounds int x int y int width int.. r System.out.println setBounds A @Override public void setBounds int x int y int width int height System.out.println setBounds..
Placing component on Glass Pane l.setText Hello l.setBorder new LineBorder Color.BLACK 1 l.setBounds 10 10 50 20 l.setBackground Color.RED l.setOpaque true l.setPreferredSize.. other hand you make that call after you make your call to setBounds you will see your desired results. With that in mind reorder.. that in mind reorder this l.setPreferredSize l.getSize l.setBounds 10 10 50 20 to look like this l.setBounds 10 10 50 20 l.setPreferredSize..
Rotate JLabel or ImageIcon on Java Swing or the JLabel. Since I'm positioning the image doing setBounds on the JLabel rotate the JLabel will be a better solution I.. player new JLabel playerSprite panel.add player player.setBounds 10 10 36 52 for example frame.getContentPane .add panel frame.setVisible.. Exception try JFrame frame new JFrame Rotation Test frame.setBounds 10 10 1008 756 BufferedImage bi new File stand.png..
Android - Set drawable size programatically apiSizeObject.getSmall resize drawable here drawable.setBounds 50 50 50 50 button.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds drawable.. mobile android sdk 2.2 share improve this question The setBounds method doesn't work for every type of container did work for..
Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java circuit setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setBounds 100 100 559 332 contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder.. null JScrollPane scrollPane new JScrollPane scrollPane.setBounds 10 21 359 255 contentPane.add scrollPane JPanel panel new JPanel.. new ImageIcon C Users achermen Desktop up.png label.setBounds 447 66 46 48 contentPane.add label JLabel label_1 new JLabel..
Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel? new BorderLayout frame.add lpane BorderLayout.CENTER lpane.setBounds 0 0 600 400 panelBlue.setBackground Color.BLUE panelBlue.setBounds.. 0 0 600 400 panelBlue.setBackground Color.BLUE panelBlue.setBounds 0 0 600 400 panelBlue.setOpaque true panelGreen.setBackground.. true panelGreen.setBackground Color.GREEN panelGreen.setBounds 200 100 100 100 panelGreen.setOpaque true lpane.add panelBlue..
Filtering on a JTree setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setBounds 100 100 450 300 contentPane new JPanel contentPane.setBorder..
Drawing rectangle on a JPanel int wi 300 hi 300 public DisplayCanvas setSize 300 300 setBounds 20 40 300 300 setBackground Color.white public void paint Graphics.. shape canvas new DisplayCanvas panel new JPanel panel.setBounds 20 20 250 140 panel.setLayout new FlowLayout 10 10 10 panel.setLayout.. draw_pane getContentPane layer new JLayeredPane layer.setBounds 50 245 300 205 layer.setForeground draw_layer new..
How to manually set the zoom on a Jung visualisation? ScalingControl scaler public PanelTree List Cluster clist setBounds 215 10 550 550 updateData clist adds vertex and edges to graph..