java Programming Glossary: setbackground
How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable theSpinner.setValue value if isSelected theSpinner.setBackground table.getSelectionBackground else theSpinner.setBackground.. table.getSelectionBackground else theSpinner.setBackground table.getBackground return theSpinner private class TimeEditor.. theSpinner.setValue value if isSelected theSpinner.setBackground table.getSelectionBackground else theSpinner.setBackground..
Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption textArea ... with jsp.setViewportView new JPanel setBackground Color.GREEN setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK.. jsp new JScrollPane jsp.setViewportView new JPanel setBackground Color.GREEN setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK.. a similar treatment. jsp.setViewportView new JComponent setBackground setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK..
Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField? boolean valid validContent if ERROR_BACKGROUND_COLOR null setBackground valid fBackground ERROR_BACKGROUND_COLOR if ERROR_FOREGROUND_COLOR.. return super.parseObject source Possible improvements the setBackground is not respected by all Look and Feels. Sometimes you can use..
calling a java method to draw graphics serialVersionUID 1L String test_string public Painting setBackground Color.WHITE this.test_string TEMP STRING FROM PANEL public void.. serialVersionUID 1L String test_string public Painting setBackground Color.WHITE this.test_string TEMP STRING FROM PANEL public void..
Java Swing button colors change the color of a button's text but the corresponding setBackground doesn't read well on some platforms. Using a Border is one alternative.. void actionPerformed ActionEvent e for JPanel p panels p.setBackground new Color rnd.nextInt private static class ButtonPanel extends.. ButtonPanel extends JPanel public ButtonPanel int i this.setBackground new Color rnd.nextInt this.add new JButton Button String.valueOf..
JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared BorderFactory.createLineBorder 1 this.setBackground new Color 0x00e0e0 JLabel candidates new JLabel 123456789 candidates.setHorizontalAlignment.. digit this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 64 64 this.setBackground new Color 0xe0e000 this.setForeground this.setBorderPainted.. @Override public void focusGained FocusEvent e setBackground background.brighter @Override public void focusLost FocusEvent..
How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell setForeground table.getSelectionForeground super.setBackground table.getSelectionBackground else setForeground table.getForeground.. else setForeground table.getForeground setBackground table.getBackground Select the current value setSelectedItem..
Passing current Date str .find if Pattern.compile 9 .matcher str .find setBackground new Color 250 250 150 setForeground new Color 250 250 150.. 9 else if Pattern.compile 1 .matcher str .find setBackground tbl.getBackground setForeground setFont new.. setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 8 else setBackground tbl.getBackground setForeground Color.gray setFont new Font..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container new Color base.getRed base.getGreen base.getBlue 128 setBackground background setLayout new GridBagLayout add message new GridBagConstraints.. star.getColor g.fillPolygon star @Override public void setBackground Color background super.setBackground background Color messageBackground.. public void setBackground Color background super.setBackground background Color messageBackground new Color background.getRGB..
Drawing rectangle on a JPanel DisplayCanvas setSize 300 300 setBounds 20 40 300 300 setBackground Color.white public void paint Graphics g Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D..
Adding JPanels from other classes to the cardLayout jp3 new Window3 JLabel textLabel new JLabel Window1 jp.setBackground Color.GREEN jp.add textLabel BorderLayout.CENTER JButton nextButton.. new BorderLayout JLabel textLabel new JLabel Window2 setBackground Color.RED add textLabel BorderLayout.CENTER JButton nextButton.. new BorderLayout JLabel textLabel new JLabel Window3 setBackground Color.BLUE add textLabel BorderLayout.CENTER JButton nextButton..