

java Programming Glossary: setdata

Custom List Field click event


CustomListRow row CustomListRow getField s row.setData ListRander listData.elementAt s else CustomListRow row new.. g.setColor Color.GRAY super.paint g g.setColor c setData data add _thumb add _title add _star add _separator public ListRander.. public ListRander getData return _data public void setData ListRander value if value _data _data value _title.setText value.getTitle..

JSON Jquery to Struts2 action


public String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data My Problem is how to receive the..

Sorting Table is wrong when the sort button be pressed more than once?


int index public Nama String n int i nama n index i void setData String n int i nama n index i String nama return nama int ind.. addColumns colom tabModel new DefaultTableModel tabModel.setDataVector rows collumns table new JTable tabModel table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize..

MVP: Should the View implement a Presenter's interface or vice versa?


getDeleteButton HasClickHandlers getList void setData List String data int getClickedRow ClickEvent event List Integer..

Android - What's the best way to share data between activities?


String data public String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data private static final DataHolder holder.. String data public String getData return data public void setData String data this.data data Before launching the activity MyApplication.. MyApplication app MyApplication getApplicationContext app.setData someData Then from the launched activity MyApplication app MyApplication..

Embed .swf file to my Jframe


FlashPanel.installFlash 6 dataSource dataSource.url setData Path url.toString String flashVersionRequired 9 try FlashPanel.setRequiredFlashVersion.. stereo_22.swf dataSource dataSource.file setData Path file.getAbsolutePath String flashVersionRequired 9 try.. url if isMovieSet createFlashPanel url.toString return setData Path url.toString dataSource dataSource.url flashPanel.setMovie..