java Programming Glossary: servletcontextlistener
How to properly stop the Thread in Java e LOGGER.error Exception e run false And I have ServletContextListener class witch starts and stops the thread public class SearchEngineContextListener.. thread public class SearchEngineContextListener implements ServletContextListener private static final Logger LOGGER LoggerFactory.getLogger SearchEngineContextListener.class.. public class SearchEngineContextListener implements ServletContextListener private static final Logger LOGGER LoggerFactory.getLogger SearchEngineContextListener.class..
shutdown hook for java web application share improve this question Use a class that implements ServletContextListener in your web.xml web app Usual stuff here listener listener class..
How to loop through a HashMap in JSP? option c forEach select You need a Servlet or a ServletContextListener to place the countries in the desired scope. If this list is.. is supposed to be an application wide constant then use ServletContextListener 's contextInitialized so that it will be loaded only once and..
an EAR (Java EE) application which listen to a socket request is to start the thread that listens to the socket from a ServletContextListener . The thread will run in the web layer and you can call the..
How to invalidate an user session when he logs twice with the same credentials the DB values don't get updated you can of course create a ServletContextListener which resets the DB on webapp startup but that's only more and..
How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup? a long delay. My first thought was to use an old style ServletContextListener contextInitialized method and from there use an ELResolver to.. this question My first thought was to use an old style ServletContextListener contextInitialized method and from there use an ELResolver to..
How to reference constants in EL? as follows @WebListener public class Config implements ServletContextListener @Override public void contextInitialized ServletContextEvent..
How do I get a list of all HttpSession objects in a web application? I get the application startup time by implementing a ServletContextListener and storing the current time inside an application scoped object..
How to run a background task in a servlet application? is perfect. This needs to be initiated by a ServletContextListener . Here's a kickoff example public class Config implements ServletContextListener.. . Here's a kickoff example public class Config implements ServletContextListener private ScheduledExecutorService scheduler @Override public.. @Override public void run Do your job here. To get the ServletContextListener to run just register it in web.xml as follows listener listener..
Background timer task in JSP/Servlet web application independent from the container and or framework create a ServletContextListener with a ScheduledExecutorService . Further detail can be found..
Java EE Enterprise Application: perform some action on deploy/startup web app ... listener listener class com.someCompany.AppNameServletContextListener listener class listener web app package com.someCompany import.. javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener public class AppNameServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener.. javax.servlet.ServletContextListener public class AppNameServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener @Override public void contextDestroyed..
Background Thread for a Tomcat servlet app within the web.xml listener listener class com.mypackage.MyServletContextListener listener class listener Then implement that class something.. Then implement that class something like public class MyServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener private MyThreadClass myThread.. like public class MyServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener private MyThreadClass myThread null public void contextInitialized..