java Programming Glossary: setbar
How to reference a generic return type with multiple bounds public String getFoo ... public interface Bar public void setBar String bar I can declare a return type like this public class.. the return type has the method String getFoo as well as setBar String but only If I point a dot behind the Function like this.. if I would do something like this bar only has the method setBar String Bar bar FooBar.getFooBar foo only has the getFoo String..
How to inject entire managed bean via @ManagedProperty annotation? for bar public Bar getBar return public void setBar Bar bar bar When the FacesContext will resolve and..
How do I intercept a method invocation with standard java features (no AspectJ etc)? you can do the following public class Foo public void setBar throw new UnsupportedOperationException should not go here..
Hibernate and no PK name bar public String getBar return bar public void setBar String bar bar @Column name bat public String getBat.. name bar public String getBar return bar public void setBar String bar bar @Column name bat public String getBat..