java Programming Glossary: servletoutputstream
How can i display pie chart in jsp page? IOException response.setContentType image png ServletOutputStream os response.getOutputStream ImageIO.write getChart request png..
Looking for a capturing impl of HttpServletResponseWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper protected ServletOutputStream stream null protected PrintWriter writer null protected int.. int threshold this.threshold threshold public ServletOutputStream createOutputStream throws IOException return new CompressionResponseStream.. return new CompressionResponseStream origResponse public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream throws IOException if writer null throw new..
Servlet-3 Async Context, how to do asynchronous writes? of data something like AsyncContext ac getWaitingContext ServletOutputStream out ac.getResponse .getOutputStream out.print some_big_data.. the code below that emulates event stream. Notes it uses ServletOutputStream that throws IOException to detect disconnected clients it sends.. import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream @WebServlet urlPatterns asyncSupported true public class HugeStreamWithThreads..
Authenticating the username, password by using filters in Java (contacting with database)
How to insert JSF page rendering time and response size into the page itself, at least partially? private final long startTime private final CountingServletOutputStream output private final PrintWriter writer public CountingServletResponse.. response startTime System.nanoTime output new CountingServletOutputStream response.getOutputStream writer new PrintWriter output true.. writer new PrintWriter output true @Override public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream throws IOException return output @Override public..
Streaming large files in a java servlet data to the Servlet OutputStream in pieces. For example ServletOutputStream out response.getOutputStream InputStream in code to get source..
How to log response content from a java web server the getOutputStream and getWriter to return a custom ServletOutputStream implementation wherein you copy the written byte s in the base.. extends HttpServletResponseWrapper private ServletOutputStream outputStream private PrintWriter writer private ServletOutputStreamCopier.. outputStream private PrintWriter writer private ServletOutputStreamCopier copier public HttpServletResponseCopier HttpServletResponse..
Returning CSV file from Servlet using ServletOutputStream over HTTPS in Internet Explorer CSV file from Servlet using ServletOutputStream over HTTPS in Internet Explorer I have a Servlet which is returning.. response throws ServletException IOException ServletOutputStream out null ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream null BufferedOutputStream.. filename data.csv reponse.setContentLength csv.length ServletOutputStream out response.getOutputStream out.write csv There should also..