java Programming Glossary: setcontentpane
JButtons inside JPanels with a GridLayout JFrame buttonPanel.add button contentPane.add buttonPanel setContentPane contentPane pack setLocationByPlatform true setVisible true..
Not showing graphics in JPanel which is added to another JPanel setTitle Sample setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE setContentPane new SamplePanel2 pack setVisible true class SamplePanel2 extends..
how to set JFrame background transparent but JPanel or JLabel Background opaque? panel new ShowImage panel.setBackground f1.setContentPane panel f1.setVisible true i tried si.setOpaque si.setBackground.. own content pane that does some special painting for us setContentPane new ContentPane getContentPane .setBackground Color.BLACK setLayout.. panel new ShowImage panel.setBackground Color.RED setContentPane new ContentPane getContentPane .setBackground Color.BLACK setLayout..
Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g panel new JPanel panel.setBackground new Color 0 0 0 0 setContentPane panel setLayout null panel2 new JPanel panel2.setBackground.. 0 0 0 0 setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setContentPane new JPanel null contentpane layout is null only @Override protected..
Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing new JPanel contentPane.setBorder new EmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 setContentPane contentPane contentPane.setLayout new BorderLayout 0 0 panel..
How can I set the priority mouse listener 30 60 button.setLocation 50 50 panel.setLayout null setContentPane panel panel.addMouseMotionListener new MouseMotionAdapter @Override..
JPanel added but not displayed “in time” 5 5 5 5 contentPane.setLayout new BorderLayout 0 0 setContentPane contentPane JButton clickme new JButton Click me clickme.addActionListener..
JFreeChart simple plot (parabola) chartPanel.setPreferredSize new java.awt.Dimension 500 270 setContentPane chartPanel public static void main final String args final ParabolaDemo..
Java - how to receive point coordinates after mouse button release (JFreeChart) false chartPanel.setRangeZoomable false setContentPane chartPanel public static void main final String args final ParabolaDemo.. e.getItem System.out.println X d.getX s i Y d.getY s i setContentPane chartPanel public static void main final String args EventQueue.invokeLater..
What is the relation between ContentPane and JPanel? using a JPanel by default you can change this by calling setContentPane As for why it's returning a Container instead of a JPanel it's..
Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge new Panel Container content getContentPane content.add sp setContentPane content setVisible true public static void main String args..
Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java new JPanel contentPane.setBorder new EmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 setContentPane contentPane contentPane.setLayout null JScrollPane scrollPane..
Changing the shapes of points in scatter plot jpanel.setPreferredSize new Dimension 500 270 setContentPane jpanel public static JPanel createDemoPanel JFreeChart jfreechart..
Applet not appearing full rconSection tabbedPane.addTab Commad Area commandArea setContentPane tabbedPane where the fisrt tab is package com.rcon import java.awt.BorderLayout.. tb new JTabbedPane tb.addTab Rcon Details new RconSection setContentPane tb validate class RconSection extends JPanel private static..
Filtering on a JTree 5 5 5 5 contentPane.setLayout new BorderLayout 0 0 setContentPane contentPane JPanel panel new JPanel contentPane.add panel BorderLayout.NORTH..
Knock Knock application with server and UI contentPane.add tfield BorderLayout.PAGE_END setContentPane contentPane pack setVisible true Thread receiveMessage new Thread..