java Programming Glossary: setcolor
Java Bouncing Ball RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON g.setColor color g.fillOval x y 30 30 adds color to circle g.setColor color g.fillOval x y 30 30 adds color to circle g.setColor g2.drawOval x y 30 30 draws circle public void run.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON g.setColor color g.fillOval 0 0 30 30 adds color to circle g.setColor
Java - MouseListener Action Event in paintComponent MouseEvent e gD.drawRect e.getX e.getY 10 60 gD.setColor System.out.println clicked void moveBALL x.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON g2d.setColor ball.getColor g2d.fillOval int ball.x int ball.y int ball.width.. int ball.height for MyRectangle entity entities g2d.setColor entity.getColor g2d.fillRect int entity.x int entity.y int..
Named Parameter idiom in Java setSize int size this.size size return this public Builder setColor Color color this.color color return this public Builder setName.. of Foo you then write something like Foo foo Foo.builder .setColor red .setName Fred .setSize 42 .build The main caveats are Setting..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC 370 i 50 56 void fillHole int color pins turn 1 curPin .setColor color 1 pinsRepaint true pinsToRepaint turn curPin curPin 1.. i if junkPins i junkCode i pins turn SCORE pinCount .setColor 1 pinCount pico junkPins i 98 junkCode i 99 for int i.. j if junkPins i junkCode j pins turn SCORE pinCount .setColor 2 pinCount junkPins i 98 junkCode j 99 j LINE pinsRepaint..
How to “correctly” detect DPI of display with Java? int pw setPreferredSize new Dimension pw SIZE public void setColor Color color rule_color color public void paintComponent Graphics.. g.getClipBounds Fill clipping area with blue gray. g.setColor rule_color g.fillRect drawHere.x drawHere.y drawHere.width drawHere.height.. that's black. g.setFont new Font SansSerif Font.PLAIN 10 g.setColor Some vars we need. int end 0 int start 0 int tickLength..
Using comparator to make custom sort name public String getColor return color public void setColor String color this.color color Implement the natural order for..
animation handling several cycle Star new Point random.nextInt 490 random.nextInt 490 star.setColor new Color 100 random.nextInt 155 100 random.nextInt 155 100.. this.addPoint x 3 y 20 this.addPoint x 6 y 12 public void setColor Color color this.color color public void move if location.x.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON for Star star stars g.setColor star.getColor g.fillPolygon star share improve this answer..
Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.setColor getCurrentColor for int i 0 i dPoint.size i Rectangle r dPoint.get.. 0 public STDrawPanel Graphics g bImage.getGraphics g.setColor BACKGROUND_COLOR g.fillRect 0 0 ST_WIDTH ST_HEIGHT g.dispose.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON g2.setStroke STROKE g2.setColor color if points null points.size 1 for int i 0 i points.size..
Getting fonts, sizes, bold,…etc if size.equals 12 setSize 12 if color.equals Black setColor Color.BLACK else if color.equals Blue setColor Color.BLUE.. Black setColor Color.BLACK else if color.equals Blue setColor Color.BLUE else if color.equals Red setColor Font.. Blue setColor Color.BLUE else if color.equals Red setColor Font font new Font Arial setAttribute setSize Writer.setFont..
Swing rate limiting Star new Point random.nextInt 490 random.nextInt 490 star.setColor new Color 100 random.nextInt 155 100 random.nextInt 155 100.. this.addPoint x 3 y 20 this.addPoint x 6 y 12 public void setColor Color color this.color color public void move if location.x.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON for Star star stars g.setColor star.getColor g.fillPolygon star share improve this answer..
Passing current Date Star new Point random.nextInt 490 random.nextInt 490 star.setColor new Color 100 random.nextInt 155 100 random.nextInt 155 100.. g.drawImage img 0 0 null for Star star stars g.setColor star.getColor g.fillPolygon star private class RowColorRenderer.. this.addPoint x 3 y 20 this.addPoint x 6 y 12 public void setColor Color color this.color color public void move if location.x..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container Star new Point random.nextInt 580 random.nextInt 550 star.setColor star.setxIncr 3 random.nextInt 7 star.setyIncr.. RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON for Star star stars g.setColor star.getColor g.fillPolygon star class DisabledGlassPane1.. Star new Point random.nextInt 490 random.nextInt 490 star.setColor Color.magenta star.setxIncr 3 random.nextInt 7 star.setyIncr..
Java: Enum vs. Int static int GREEN 3 sic private int color public void setColor int color this.color color While many clients will use this.. While many clients will use this properly new SomeClass .setColor SomeClass.RED There is nothing stopping them from writing this.. is nothing stopping them from writing this new SomeClass .setColor 999 There are three main problems with using the public static..