java Programming Glossary: set.add
Remove Elements from a HashSet while Iterating Set Integer set new HashSet Integer for int i 0 i 10 i set.add i Throws ConcurrentModificationException for Integer element.. removeCandidates new LinkedList Integer for int i 0 i 10 i set.add i for Integer element set if element 2 0 removeCandidates.add..
Choosing random numbers efficiently this 300000 times Set set new Set while set.length 5 set.add randomNumber MIN MAX Now this obviously has a bad worst case.. int 5 while enumerations 300000 set.clear while set.size 5 set.add rand.nextInt deck.length Iterator Integer i set.iterator int..
Why doesn't Java Map extends Collection? For example Set Map.Entry String String would allow set.add entry hello world set.add entry hello world 2 assuming an entry.. String String would allow set.add entry hello world set.add entry hello world 2 assuming an entry method that creates a..
Java: Detect duplicates in ArrayList? row table Set set new HashSet Block for Block cell row set.add cell if set.size 6 has duplicate I'm not 100 sure of that for..
Difference between List, List<?>, List<T>, List<E>, and List<Object> it. EDIT If I do this public static void test List set set.add new Long 2 Error set.add 2 Error System.out.println set but.. public static void test List set set.add new Long 2 Error set.add 2 Error System.out.println set but if I change test to this.. test to this public static void test List String set set.add new Long 2 Error set.add 2 Work System.out.println set 3. List..
Cartesian product of arbitrary sets in Java index for Set Object set _cartesianProduct index 1 sets set.add obj ret.add set return ret Note that it is impossible to..