java Programming Glossary: session.createquery
Hibernate Delete query single SQL DELETE statement using bulk operations Query q session.createQuery delete Entity where id X q.executeUpdate share improve this..
Spring Generic Dao class name session sessionFactory.getCurrentSession Query query session.createQuery FROM className e WHERE status status return query.list ... Which.. session sessionFactory.getCurrentSession Query query session.createQuery FROM tableName WHERE status status return query.list and have..
Is there a more efficient way of making pagination in Hibernate than executing select and count queries? List Cat findCats String name int offset int limit Query q session.createQuery from Cat where name name q.setString name name if offset 0 q.setFirstResult.. return q.list public Long countCats String name Query q session.createQuery select count from Cat where name name q.setString name name..
Hibernate Criteria returns children multiple times with FetchType.EAGER session.createCriteria Order.class .list List result session.createQuery select o from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems .list All..
Hibernate noob fetch join problem join fetch in HQL If I do a left join fetch instead query session.createQuery from Test2 t2 left join fetch t2.test3 then I do indeed get.. session getSession session.beginTransaction Query query session.createQuery from A List results query.list for int i 0 i results.size i.. for each object b associated with each a Query query session.createQuery from A List results query.list A a A results.get 0 System.out.println..
JSF Validation Error While Using Custom Converter session.beginTransaction session.clear Query query session.createQuery from Status List Status statuses query.list try session.getTransaction..
exception in GWT RPC app .openSession try trns session.beginTransaction getUser session.createQuery from User .list for Iterator User iter getUser.iterator iter.hasNext..
No Session found for current thread (Spring 3.1.X and Hibernate 4) session sessionFactory.getCurrentSession Query query session.createQuery FROM users return query.list I realize that my datasource is..