

java Programming Glossary: logical

Why is my Spring @Autowired field null?


Spring Inversion of Control IoC container has three main logical components a registry called the ApplicationContext of components..

What does the ^ operator do in Java?


xor 3 011 This the truth table for bitwise JLS 15.22.1 and logical JLS 15.22.2 xor ^ 0 1 ^ F T 0 0 1 F F T 1 1 0 T T F More simply..

Difference between >>> and >>


share improve this question is arithmetic shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended..

Use of Java [Interfaces / Abstract classes]


use of interfaces super classes abstract classes follows logical rules and is thereby not simply a personal choice. java interface..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


it including a e and especially cX . It has no support for logical Unicode code points by number only for the idiotic UTF 16 brain.. U XX.XXX.XXXX etc where each XX set is the xdigits of the logical Unicode code point. No bloody brain damaged UTF 16 surrogate.. No bloody brain damaged UTF 16 surrogate crap just true logical characters. public final static String uniplus String s if s.length..

Why can't static methods be abstract in Java


Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?


more. It also allows you to specify Unicode characters in logical code points not in idiotic UTF 16 surrogates. It ™s hard to overstress..

Find Java classes implementing an interface [duplicate]


interface. I know the functions were hidden in some non logical place but they could be used for other classes as the package..

Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class?


having to autogenerate various extra types to hold the logical state of the local variables as for example the C# compiler..

Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side?


is full. Mojarra for example has a default limit of 15 logical views when state saving is set to session. This is configureable..

Difference between & and &&


share improve this question is arithmetic shift right is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shift the sign bit is extended..

Why do we usually use `||` not `|`, what is the difference?


is the difference I'm just wondering why we usually use logical OR between two booleans not bitwise OR though they are both..

Java logical operator short-circuiting


logical operator short circuiting Which set is short circuting and.. bb x z x z boolean cc x z x z boolean dd x z x z java logical operators share improve this question The and operators.. side if it isn't necessary. The and operators when used as logical operators always evaluate both sides. There is only one case..

Why does a “&&=” Operator not exist? [duplicate]


summarize what they do briefly here JLS 15.22.2 Boolean Logical Operators ^ and JLS 15.23 Conditional And Operator JLS 15.24..

SWT - OS agnostic way to get monospaced font


Internationalization Support related APIs the concept of Logical Font s is used to define certain platform independent fonts..

Why doesn't Java have compound assignment versions of the conditional-and and conditional-or operators? (&&=, ||=)


summarize what they do briefly here JLS 15.22.2 Boolean Logical Operators ^ and JLS 15.23 Conditional And Operator JLS 15.24..

Difference between >>> and >>


bit using arithmetic shift would give you 11111111 or 1. Logical right shift however does not care that the value could possibly..

Differences in boolean operators: & vs && and | vs ||


are boolean the operators are considered the Boolean Logical Operators and behave similar to the Conditional And and Conditional..

What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why?


this way. It just seems to be the de facto standard. Logical Naming your packages according to their business domain identity..

Difference between & and &&


bit using arithmetic shift would give you 11111111 or 1. Logical right shift however does not care that the value could possibly..