java Programming Glossary: loggerfactory.getlogger
How to properly stop the Thread in Java implements Runnable private static final Logger LOGGER LoggerFactory.getLogger IndexProcessor.class @Override public void run boolean run true.. ServletContextListener private static final Logger LOGGER LoggerFactory.getLogger SearchEngineContextListener.class private Thread thread null.. implements Runnable private static final Logger LOGGER LoggerFactory.getLogger IndexProcessor.class private volatile boolean running true public..
Redirect System.out and System.err to slf4j class SysStreamsLogger private static Logger sysOutLogger LoggerFactory.getLogger SYSOUT private static Logger sysErrLogger LoggerFactory.getLogger.. SYSOUT private static Logger sysErrLogger LoggerFactory.getLogger SYSERR public static final PrintStream sysout System.out public..
Profiling a Java Spring application TimeExecutionProfiler private static final Logger logger LoggerFactory.getLogger TimeExecutionProfiler.class @Around org.mywebapp.util.aspects.SystemArchitecture.businessController..
Programmatically loading Entity classes with JPA 2.0? private String reflectionsRoot private Logger log LoggerFactory.getLogger ReflectionsPersistenceUnitPostProcessor.class @Override public..
Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue public class TraineesController final Logger logger LoggerFactory.getLogger TraineesController.class private Map Long Trainee trainees new..
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives private static final Logger logger LoggerFactory.getLogger ValidCollectionValidator.class private ValidatorContext validatorContext.. ValidCollectionTest private static final Logger logger LoggerFactory.getLogger ValidCollectionTest.class private ValidatorFactory validatorFactory..
Spring MVC UTF-8 Encoding class HomeController private static final Logger logger LoggerFactory.getLogger HomeController.class @RequestMapping value method RequestMethod.GET..
Why do we declare Loggers static final? exception to these rules private final Logger log LoggerFactory.getLogger getClass as opposed to private static final Logger log LoggerFactory.getLogger.. getClass as opposed to private static final Logger log LoggerFactory.getLogger Foo.class The former way allows you to use the same logger name..
Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean? class SpringContextFactory static final Logger logger LoggerFactory.getLogger SpringContextFactory.class private static ApplicationContext..
Mocking Logger and LoggerFactory with PowerMock and Mockito called not for the content. private static Logger logger LoggerFactory.getLogger GoodbyeController.class I want to Mock ANY class that is used.. I want to Mock ANY class that is used for LoggerFactory.getLogger but I could not find out how to do that. This is what I ended.. PowerMockito.mockStatic LoggerFactory.class when LoggerFactory.getLogger GoodbyeController.class . thenReturn loggerMock when loggerMock.isDebugEnabled..
Configuring Log4j Loggers Programmatically manual for more infos about that. In Short Logger fizz LoggerFactory.getLogger com.fizz will give you a logger for the category com.fizz ...