java Programming Glossary: log.v
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask c loc location mContext c nEntries 0 entriesUnzipped 0 Log.v this.toString Exiting decompress constructor. @Override protected.. constructor. @Override protected void onPreExecute Log.v this.toString Inside onPreExecute. pd new ProgressDialog mContext.. pd.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL Log.v this.toString Showing dialog and exiting. @Override..
Can't post response from AsyncTask to MainActivity [closed] with data retrieved from server in doInBackground Log.v Response result MainActivity main new MainActivity if result.equals..
Record phone calls on android phone? phonenbr intent.getStringExtra Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER Log.v GDHGDHGHDGDHGDHGHDGHDGH phonenbr recorder.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? String Arrays.asList c.getColumnNames catch Exception e Log.v tableName e.getMessage e e.printStackTrace finally if c null..
SQLiteOpenHelper failing to call onCreate? onCreate SQLiteDatabase db TODO Auto generated method stub Log.v smartdbhelper before creation db.execSQL NOTIFY_TABLE_CREATE.. before creation db.execSQL NOTIFY_TABLE_CREATE Log.v smartdbhelper middle creation db.execSQL DATA_TABLE_CREATE Log.v.. smartdbhelper middle creation db.execSQL DATA_TABLE_CREATE Log.v smartdbhelper after creation @Override public void onUpgrade..
largeHeap=true manifest tag not working? I´ve been given. I´m reading out my max memory like this Log.v Utils Max Mem in MB Runtime.getRuntime .maxMemory 1024 1024..
How do I load my own Java class in C on Android? the same C function above . Specifically I tested calling Log.v and that works and prints the output correctly. It seems that..
When/why does my Java singleton instance get destroyed? Instance if mInstance null mInstance new MyJavaSingleton Log.v TAG New MyJavaSIngleton instance return mInstance Native void..
Android - Start service on boot all of the suggestions below and I added logging such as Log.v BatteryLogger Got to onReceive about to start service to the..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] checkDataBase File dbFile new File DB_PATH DB_NAME Log.v dbFile dbFile dbFile.exists return dbFile.exists Copy the database.. throws SQLException String mPath DB_PATH DB_NAME Log.v mPath mPath mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null..
using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState Log.v TAG Activity State onCreate super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Android java : Update same EditText in textChanged event s.toString ET.setSelection s.length catch Exception e Log.v State e.getMessage @Override public void beforeTextChanged..