java Programming Glossary: log.i
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) .getDisplayMessageBody is null if I Broadcast a fake sms Log.i BB address currentMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress message..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function txtID @Override public Filter getFilter if filter null Log.i Before Filter Before Filter filter new PkmnNameFilter return.. .toLowerCase if prefix null prefix.length 0 Log.i prefix is null or 0 prefix is null or 0 ArrayList SetRows list.. results.values list results.count list.size else Log.i prefix is null or 0 prefix is null or 0 final ArrayList SetRows..
Why doesn't System.out.println work? (in Android) gets redirected to LogCat and printed using Log.i . This may not be true on very old or custom Android versions...
How to parse a JSON and turn its values into an Array? i String p nameArray.getString i ValArray.getString i Log.i p p catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace As you can see..
Java: how to take a screenshot fast
Reading a Json Array in android i JSONObject json_data jArray.getJSONObject i Log.i log_tag _id json_data.getInt account mall_name json_data.getString.. i JSONObject json_data jArray.getJSONObject i Log.i log_tag _id json_data.getInt account mall_name json_data.getString..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Log.i LOG_TAG onReceive if intent.getAction .equals SMSPopUpReceiver.ACTION.. n Message n sb.append messages.getDisplayMessageBody Log.i SMSPopUpReceiver.LOG_TAG SMSApp onReceiveIntent sb Toast.makeText..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] selection events that are not done whilst initializing Log.i TAG selected item position String.valueOf position Why this..
Online radio streaming app for Android mp int percent playSeekBar.setSecondaryProgress percent Log.i Buffering percent @Override protected void onPause super.onPause..
Return data from AsyncTask class httpclient.execute httpPost Examine the response status Log.i TAG response.getStatusLine .toString BufferedReader reader..
Android - Start service on boot new Intent arg0 service.class arg0.startService intent Log.i Autostart started public class service extends..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge this question private void sendData ProfileVO pvo Log.i getClass .getSimpleName send task start HttpParams p new BasicHttpParams.. e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace Log.i getClass .getSimpleName send task end share improve this answer..
If statement using == gives unexpected result result private void refineWords for String word words Log.i word word if word s word t word am word is word are word was.. her word him word its word in word on word a word at Log.i step step Success words.remove word I have a List called words.. have a List called words and it contains strings. Here the Log.i works for the word tag fine but the step Statement does not..