java Programming Glossary: logarithm
Way to get number of digits in an int? of a number in a specific base i.e. a String. A logarithm based solution does some of the same things the String based..
Logarithm of a BigDecimal of a BigDecimal How can I calculate the logarithm of a BigDecimal Does anyone know of any algorithms I can use.. If it's easier in base x I'll do that. java bigdecimal logarithm share improve this question Java Number Cruncher The Java.. 12.5 Big Decmial Functions p330 p331 Compute the natural logarithm of x to a given scale x 0. public static BigDecimal ln BigDecimal..
Calculating and printing the nth prime number not exceeding x here and below log must be the natural logarithm for the algorithmic complexities it is not important which base.. it is not important which base is chosen for the logarithms . From that it follows that p n ~ n log n where p n is the..