java Programming Glossary: logged
Facebook offline access step-by-step but not the old API Key. 2 load in your browser already logged in to fb as the account you want your server side app to connect.. 1 store this the access token in the db for the user as logged in on your site and don't abuse their trust And direct users..
How to find unused/dead code in java projects and uninstall the logging code after a method has been logged for the first time thus after some time no more performance..
Servlets: doGet and doPost are valid then the User will be put in session scope i.e. logged in and the servlet will redirect to some main page this example..
When using Spring Security, what is the proper way to obtain current username (i.e. SecurityContext) information in a bean? Security. I want to know the username of the currently logged in user. The code snippet below is what I'm doing. My question..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? backed by a cookie. Some web forms require that you're logged in and or are tracked by a session. You can use the CookieHandler..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? android sdk what should I do next after the user has logged in This is unclear to me. Facebook facebookClient new Facebook..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? of the requested page e.g. checking if an user is logged in then implement a filter and write code accordingly in doFilter.. null HttpServletResponse response .sendRedirect login Not logged in redirect to login page. else chain.doFilter request response..
Prevent user from going back to the previous secured page after logout same Filter as where you're checking the presence of the logged in user. Don't forget to clear browser cache before testing..
Java EE 6: How to implement “Stay Logged In” when user login in to the web application and password to log into the system it has a checkbox Stay logged in that if you check the box if will always let you stay logged... in that if you check the box if will always let you stay logged. How do I achieve that EDIT @BalusC Here is my web.xml for some.. login HttpServletRequest#login when the user is not logged in but the cookie is present. This is the easiest to achieve..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? state information removed from the server memory As a logged in user on the application navigates though pages will the state.. vs com.sun.faces.numberOfLogicalViews As a logged in user on the application navigates though pages will the state..
Sessions in struts2 application You should use an Interceptor to enforce that the user is logged in rather than trying to enforce it in the JSP. JSP should only.. all pages in a web application will require the user to be logged in. Therefore let's create an interface called LoginRequired.. will redirect to the login page if the user is not already logged in. Note You can use an annotation instead if you prefer but..
How to choose the right bean scope? Use the session scope for client specific data such as the logged in user and user preferences language etc . Use the application..
Is there a way to redirect to another action class without using on struts.xml in. I want something like this. public BaseAction if isLoggedIn go to child which was called else redirect to login page .. else redirect to login page Another way is to check isLoggedIn by calling this method in all action classes and defining.. UserAware action .setUser freshUser System.out.println Logged in interceptor return actionInvocation.invoke The UserAware..
Hibernate @Version annotation and object references an unsaved transient instance http bio 8080 exec 8 INFO c.p.a.MyUserDetailsService Logged User authentication sucess. UserName admin and practice Name..
How do I keep a user logged into my site for months? Good luck. See also Java EE 6 How to implement Stay Logged In when user login in to the web application How do servlets..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? to login page. else chain.doFilter request response Logged in just continue request. When mapped on an appropriate url..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android .substring 0 500 else System.out.println Logged in OK loading account home redirect handler and rest of parse..
Java EE 6: How to implement “Stay Logged In” when user login in to the web application EE 6 How to implement &ldquo Stay Logged In&rdquo when user login in to the web application I am using..
Prevent accessing restricted page without login in Jsf2 User session.getAttribute user null if user null user.isLoggedIn response.sendRedirect login.xhtml No logged in user found.. so redirect to login page. else chain.doFilter req res Logged in user found so just continue request. Map this filter on an..
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? working on having a &ldquo Keep me on Logged in&rdquo state on my app. How should i do it Here's my xml..
Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests? userManager null if userManager null userManager.isLoggedIn response.sendRedirect request.getContextPath login.xhtml.. so redirect to login page. else chain.doFilter req res Logged in user found so just continue request. ... Update you're thus..
Automatic login to JSF application on revisits, after once logged in ID and user ID. See also Java EE 6 How to implement Stay Logged In when user login in to the web application Java How do I keep..