java Programming Glossary: log4j12
Tomcat 7 “SEVERE: A child container failed during start” dependency groupId org.slf4j groupId artifactId slf4j log4j12 artifactId version org.slf4j version version scope runtime scope..
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives classes add validation api hibenate validator slf4j log4j12 and testng jars on classpath run the test case. ValidCollection..
NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() dependency groupId org.slf4j groupId artifactId slf4j log4j12 artifactId version 1.5.10 version scope runtime scope dependency.. dependency groupId org.slf4j groupId artifactId slf4j log4j12 artifactId version 1.5.10 version scope runtime scope dependency..
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval()Z digester jars commons digester 2.0.jar org.slf4j slf4j log4j12 jars slf4j log4j12 1.6.1.jar log4j log4j bundles log4j 1.2.16.jar.. digester 2.0.jar org.slf4j slf4j log4j12 jars slf4j log4j12 1.6.1.jar log4j log4j bundles log4j 1.2.16.jar xom xom jars.. slf4j api rev 1.6.1 dependency org org.slf4j name slf4j log4j12 rev 1.6.1 XOM dependency org xom name xom rev 1.2.5 JSF Unit..
Hibernate 3.4 with slf4j and log4j So my assumption is that I should be using the slf4j log4j12 wrapped implementation. The Maven slf4j dependency is dependency.. is dependency groupId org.slf4j groupId artifactId slf4j log4j12 artifactId version 1.5.6 version dependency While the log4j.. artifactId version 1.2.15 version dependency Both slf4j log4j12 and log4j reference the latest version that I could find in..
JPA 2.0 using Hibernate as provider - Exception: No Persistence provider for EntityManager dependency groupId org.slf4j groupId artifactId slf4j log4j12 artifactId version log4j.version version dependency dependencies..