java Programming Glossary: logfactory.getlog
Make splash screen with progress bar like Eclipse extends JWindow static boolean isRegistered static Log log LogFactory.getLog SplashScreen.class private static JProgressBar progressBar new..
Try-catch-finally and then again a try catch like this public class SQLUtils private static Log log LogFactory.getLog SQLUtils.class public static void closeQuietly Connection connection..
JSPs not displaying objects from model in Spring public class TestController protected final Log log LogFactory.getLog getClass @RequestMapping test public String methodName Map String..
how to make a jar file that include dll files String LIB_BIN lib bin private final static Log logger LogFactory.getLog ACWrapper.class private final static String ACWRAPPER acwrapper..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device
Disable HttpClient logging were actually public static Wire HEADER_WIRE new Wire LogFactory.getLog httpclient.wire.header public static Wire CONTENT_WIRE new Wire.. public static Wire CONTENT_WIRE new Wire LogFactory.getLog httpclient.wire.content So I then added log4j.logger.httpclient.wire.header..
Howto embed Tomcat 6? null private Embedded container null private Log logger LogFactory.getLog getClass The directory to create the Tomcat server configuration..
java - vmspec - what is difference between <init> and <clinit> and static field initialization. class X static Log log LogFactory.getLog clinit private int x 1 init X init static clinit share improve..
No Session found for current thread (Spring 3.1.X and Hibernate 4) class CongregationUserService protected static Log logger LogFactory.getLog CongregationUserService.class @Resource name sessionFactory..