java Programming Glossary: logger.debug
Problem with synchronizing on String objects? email StaticCache.set key data CACHE_TIME else logger.debug getSomeDataForEmail using cached object return data So to make.. email StaticCache.set key data CACHE_TIME else logger.debug getSomeDataForEmail using cached object return data I also..
Overloaded method selection based on the parameter's real type CalleeImpl implements Callee public void foo Object o logger.debug foo Object o public void foo String s logger.debug foo s public.. o logger.debug foo Object o public void foo String s logger.debug foo s public void foo Integer i logger.debug foo i Callee.. foo String s logger.debug foo s public void foo Integer i logger.debug foo i Callee callee new CalleeImpl Object i new Integer 12..
What's Up with Logging in Java? [closed] than Commons Logging and provides parameterized logging logger.debug The entry is . entry which expands effectively to if logger.isDebugEnabled.. more efficient than this see Huxi's comment below... logger.debug The entry is entry . Logback because it's newer than log4j and..
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives improve for ConstraintViolation violation violations logger.debug violation.getMessage ConstraintViolationBuilder violationBuilder..
How to manually set an authenticated user in Spring Security / SpringMVC this.authenticationProvider.authenticate token logger.debug Logging in with authentication.getPrincipal SecurityContextHolder.getContext..
Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean? int i 0 for SearchRule search searches logger.debug Number of times looped i Seprated lines to get a better sense.. on Object proxy ctx.getBean innerThread InnerThread.class logger.debug ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString proxy logger.debug proxy.getClass.. logger.debug ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString proxy logger.debug proxy.getClass proxy.getClass logger.debug proxy.getClass .getClassLoader..
In log4j, does checking isDebugEnabled before logging improve performance? logging. Previously I was using debug call like Option 1 logger.debug some debug text but some links suggest that it is better to.. boolean debugEnabled logger.isDebugEnabled if debugEnabled logger.debug some debug text So my question is Does option 2 improve performance.. value to debugEnabled variable and Actually called by logger.debug method. I don't think that if we write multiple logger.debug..
How to properly stop the Thread in Java @Override public void run boolean run true while run try LOGGER.debug Sleeping... Thread.sleep long 15000 LOGGER.debug Processing.. try LOGGER.debug Sleeping... Thread.sleep long 15000 LOGGER.debug Processing catch InterruptedException e LOGGER.error Exception.. event thread new Thread new IndexProcessor LOGGER.debug Starting thread thread thread.start LOGGER.debug Background..
Graceful shutdown of threads and executor try Future Long f comp.take long name try name f.get LOGGER.debug name got completed catch ExecutionException e LOGGER.error..
Spring @Transaction not starting transactions LOGGER.debug ServiceLocator executeService Active transaction found else..