java Programming Glossary: log.error
Redirect System.out and System.err to slf4j count System.arraycopy buf 0 theBytes 0 count if isError log.error new String theBytes else new String theBytes reset..
Why are Exceptions not Checked in .NET? try exception throwing code catch Exception e either log.error Error fooing bar e OR throw new RuntimeException e If you actually..
Try-catch-finally and then again a try catch if connection null connection.close catch SQLExcetpion e log.error An error occurred closing connection. e public static void.. if statement null statement.close catch SQLExcetpion e log.error An error occurred closing statement. e public static void closeQuietly.. if resultSet null resultSet.close catch SQLExcetpion e log.error An error occurred closing result set. e And your client code..
ejb lookup failing with NamingException user101 null return userManager catch NamingException e log.error Error Occured while getting EJB UserManager e return null catch.. EJB UserManager e return null catch RemoteException ex log.error Error Occured while getting EJB UserManager ex return null catch.. EJB UserManager ex return null catch CreateException ex log.error Error Occured while getting EJB UserManager ex return null ..
java: how can i do dynamic casting of a variable from one type to another? CASTING PROBLEM catch NoSuchFieldException ex log.error did not find field ' entry.getKey ' ' catch IllegalAccessException.. field ' entry.getKey ' ' catch IllegalAccessException ex log.error ex.getMessage the problem here is that some of the classes..
Log runtime Exceptions in Java using log4j public void uncaughtException Thread t Throwable ex log.error Uncaught exception in thread t.getName ex If you are using an.. public void run try catch RuntimeException ex log.error Uncaught exception. ex throw ex ... Runnable realTask ... executor.submit..
Where to close java PreparedStatements and ResultSets? process the results... catch java.sql.SQLException e log.error an error e throw new MyAppException I'm sorry. Your query did..
Is it possible to “add” to classpath dynamically in java? ' dir File.separator nam .jar' return if dir.canRead log.error Could not read directory for Class Path element ' dir File.separator.. nam true .add Name EW .jar true if jars dir.list fs null log.error Error accessing directory for Class Path element ' dir File.separator..
Best Way to Inject Hibernate Session by Spring 3 a refrence to the session instance if sessionFactory null log.error Not able to find any associated session throw new RuntimeException..
Is a finally block without a catch block a java anti-pattern? readily apparent try doSomeStuff doMore catch Exception e log.error e finally doSomeOtherStuff So my question is this Is a finally..
Error: Could not find or load main class MODEL_PATH_PARAM if libName null libName.trim .equals log.error Vensim library name has to be set with D DLL_LIBNAME_PARAM throw.. if modelPath null modelPath.trim .equals log.error Model path has to set with D MODEL_PATH_PARAM throw new SpatialException.. vh new VensimHelper libName modelPath catch Throwable e log.error An exception was thrown when initializing Vensim try i e if..