java Programming Glossary: log4j.xml
Why chose XML over properties files for Log4J configuration? file or by an XML file. Log4j looks for a file named log4j.xml and then for a file named Both must be placed..
Log4j doesn't log anything under JBoss 6 EAP under Tomcat 7 with the same .war. I have created a log4j.xml and placed it in my WEB INF classes dir I also tried in WEB.. message 776182#776182 I suggest removing log4j.xml . If that doesn't help modify your jboss configuration to set..
Using application's Log4J configuration under JBoss 7.1.1 WEB INF web.xml lib log4j 1.2.17.jar classes log4j.xml ... I've noticed the following error jboss deployment structure.xml.. parsed... how can I tell Despite of this new behaviour my log4j.xml configuration file still isn't loaded and the logger used still.. I've also tried moving my log4j.xml to MyAppEAR.ear META INF . removing the unecessary
Sample xml configuration for log4j, have a 'main' java application and want to write to file this question Just have more than one appender in your log4j.xml like this xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 DOCTYPE log4j configuration..
Controlling the classpath in a servlet a number of library .jars some of which contain embedded log4j.xml or files. I'd like to ensure that log4j finds.. files. I'd like to ensure that log4j finds my log4j.xml first I've tried searching for some specification of the priorities.. on ensuring that a servlet .war file loads the correct log4j.xml via the classloader java tomcat servlets classpath share..
How do I configure Spring and SLF4J so that I can get logging? config files into a directory classpath config including log4j.xml and then init using a spring bean. e.g. bean id log4jInitialization.. property name arguments list value classpath config log4j.xml value list property bean However I get this warning and no logging...
Override way to override one of them is Use log4j.xml please see the extension Another approach is Setting the log4j.defaultInitOverride..
Please initialize the log4j system properly. While running web service are written if Log4j can't find its or log4j.xml file but also if the file is fine and dandy but its content.. stuff to the console . As about the log4j.xml I suggest you place this file in WEB INF classes as it is important..