java Programming Glossary: location.x
the images are not loading the velocity to the location of the fish to make it move location.x velocity.x location.y velocity.y if location.x edges.x location.x.. it move location.x velocity.x location.y velocity.y if location.x edges.x location.x edges.x velocity.x velocity.x if location.x.. velocity.x location.y velocity.y if location.x edges.x location.x edges.x velocity.x velocity.x if location.x image1.getWidth..
Passing current Date final int WIDTH 500 HEIGHT 500 Star Point location int x location.x int y location.y this.location location this.addPoint x y 8.. Color color this.color color public void move if location.x 0 location.x WIDTH xIncr xIncr if location.y 0 location.y.. color this.color color public void move if location.x 0 location.x WIDTH xIncr xIncr if location.y 0 location.y WIDTH yIncr..