java Programming Glossary: loads
How to encrypt String in Java . While that is not the most secure algorithm there are loads of implementations and you'd just need to give the key to anyone..
how to make a jar file that include dll files AAMAPI loadLib path LIBEAU Puts library to temp dir and loads to memory private static void loadLib String path String name..
Why JSF calls getters multiple times The main problem with this is that you get loads of boilerplate code not to mention private variables that you..
What is difference between “Class.forName()” and “Class.forName().newInstance()”? code more dynamic. A typical example is the JDBC API which loads at runtime the exact driver required to perform the work. EJBs.. ways by calling the method Class.forName . This explicitly loads the driver class. Since it does not depend on any external setup.. for using the DriverManager framework. The following code loads the class acme.db.Driver Class.forName acme.db.Driver If acme.db.Driver..
Difference between each instance of servlet and each thread of servlet in servlets? web.xml finds the declared Servlets in the classpath and loads and instantiates each Servlet only once . Roughly like this..
What is lazy loading in Hibernate? load all the children when loading the parent. Instead it loads them when requested to do so. You can either request this explicitly..
Using Regex to generate Strings rather than match them I am writing a Java utility which helps me to generate loads of data for performance testing. It would be really cool to..
Find where java class is loaded from find out where the java classloader actually loads the class from I often work on large projects where the classpath..
jdbc connection pooling cpds.setDriverClass org.postgresql.Driver loads the jdbc driver cpds.setJdbcUrl jdbc postgresql localhost testdb..
Sparse matrices / arrays in Java for this application is efficency in terms of time assume loads of memory though not nearly so unlimited as to allow me to use..
How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF
Does use of final keyword in Java improve the performance? assumption that a method hasn't been overridden until it loads a class which overrides the method at which point it can undo..
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed] suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I have lost loads of development time troubleshooting this already. Update My..
How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java? for the first time during your timing phase since printing loads and initializes classes. Do not load new classes outside of..
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used library. This is just one of many things that the JVM loads that are not strictly part of Java. The shared libraries are..
Creating a memory leak with Java or use a thread pool to leak even faster . The thread loads a class via an optionally custom ClassLoader. The class allocates..
ClassCastException when casting to the same class of the Form project I call validator.validate which loads the previously created bean object from the session I'm running..
why doesn't java send the client certificate during SSL handshake? certificate chain or something so that the KeyManager only loads the client certificate and ignores the rest Chrome and openssl..